• Well, it’s taken only about 25 years, but I think I’m biting the bullet and getting some new tattoo work done, and I can think of none better then some of the folks here for advice on something…
    My particular heritage is primarily French from Québec, with both sides of the family having solid roots in Normandy.
    I fell into the DNA rabbit hole a few years back, and even invested in a few tests (while they were on sale) to compare… French was naturally prominent, but there were surprises.. Some Scandinavian traces were still there even from French communities where very few ever left the Saint Hyacinthe area.. To this day, my mother and I are really the only two of three in the family that left & speak English lol…
    Comparing it to archeological dna services like mytrueancestry has definitely been revealing, especially when it highlighted an ancestral link to Visigothic and Danish roots (with many other Germanic influences, including a smidgin of Norwegian)..
    In any case, I’ve always been fascinated with the Elder Futhark and all things proto-Germanic.
    I currently have a camel spider tattooed on one hand, and a scorpion on the other.. Due to a promise I gave to fellow soldiers after our 1992-93 Somalia tour that I’d “fight” them on a bar table once we got home to remind us of our only entertainment out there lol.
    The idea is to add runes on my fingers…
    I have tried to research the proto-Germanic inspiration for the Nordic influence of Huginn & Muninn.. These would be transcribed using the Elder Futhark, and figured these to be Hugiz and Muniz.
    Any thoughts by those with a bit of knowledge in this area?

    Once settled, I also have an itch to get the Visigothic Eagle on one side of the neck, and the well known Raven from Vikingtid banners on the other side… Both would be fair homage to two ancestral links.
    Well, it’s taken only about 25 years, but I think I’m biting the bullet and getting some new tattoo work done, and I can think of none better then some of the folks here for advice on something… My particular heritage is primarily French from Québec, with both sides of the family having solid roots in Normandy. I fell into the DNA rabbit hole a few years back, and even invested in a few tests (while they were on sale) to compare… French was naturally prominent, but there were surprises.. Some Scandinavian traces were still there even from French communities where very few ever left the Saint Hyacinthe area.. To this day, my mother and I are really the only two of three in the family that left & speak English lol… Comparing it to archeological dna services like mytrueancestry has definitely been revealing, especially when it highlighted an ancestral link to Visigothic and Danish roots (with many other Germanic influences, including a smidgin of Norwegian).. In any case, I’ve always been fascinated with the Elder Futhark and all things proto-Germanic. I currently have a camel spider tattooed on one hand, and a scorpion on the other.. Due to a promise I gave to fellow soldiers after our 1992-93 Somalia tour that I’d “fight” them on a bar table once we got home to remind us of our only entertainment out there lol. The idea is to add runes on my fingers… I have tried to research the proto-Germanic inspiration for the Nordic influence of Huginn & Muninn.. These would be transcribed using the Elder Futhark, and figured these to be Hugiz and Muniz. Any thoughts by those with a bit of knowledge in this area? Once settled, I also have an itch to get the Visigothic Eagle on one side of the neck, and the well known Raven from Vikingtid banners on the other side… Both would be fair homage to two ancestral links.
    0 0 435
  • När mån-månaden Göja infaller och ljuset växer sig starkare, samlas vi för att hålla Disablot, ett heligt blot tillägnat de mäktiga Diserna. Dessa kvinnliga väsen har makt över både liv och död och är nära knutna till fruktbarhet och öde. Diserna är både beskyddare och skapare, och genom deras kraft vävs våra öden samman med naturens rytm.

    I år infaller Disablotet på fullmånekvällen den 14 mars, vid en tid då solen återvänder mer och mer, och dess värme börjar väcka jorden till liv. Solens återkomst är avgörande för fruktbarheten, både i naturen och i människors liv. Det är nu markerna börjar tina, saven stiger i träden och djurlivet vaknar på nytt. Med solen kommer livskraft och växtlighet, och det är en tid att vända sig till Diserna för att söka deras gunst över det som ska gro och växa under året.

    Disablotet är en stund att hedra de gudomliga Diserna, vilka är förmödrar, Gudinnor, valkyrior, fylgior dvs. makter som formar världens gång. Dessa är alla med en särskild roll i livets stora väv.
    För oss är blotet också ett sätt att söka deras skydd och välgång inför framtiden.

    Bland Diserna finns Freja, fruktbarhetens och livets gudinna, men också en krigsgudinna och dödsgudinna. Hon styr över Folkvanger, där hon tar emot hälften av de stupade krigarna, och hon är djupt förknippad med sejd och ödesmakt. Vid Disablotet vänder vi oss till Freja för livskraft, styrka och beskydd inför årets prövningar.

    Blotet är en helig handling där vi åkallar och vänder oss till makterna, visar vördnad och ger våra gåvor så som honung och mjöd, som en hyllning till livets sötma, och blommor eller frön, som ett tecken på fruktbarhet och skaparkraft. Bröd, gryn och lokalt kött ges som symboler för överflöd och näring, en påminnelse om livets kretslopp och vår tacksamhet för det vi skördar och fostrar.

    Disablotet är en stund av vördnad, en påminnelse om att våra öden inte är helt i våra egna händer, utan formas i samspel med de större makterna. Genom våra gåvor stärker vi banden till Diserna, hedrar våra förfäder och söker deras kraft och visdom.

    Nordiska Asa-samfundet välkomnar er att delta i våra blotlags Disablot som arrangeras runtom i vårt avlånga land.
    För mer information om tid och plats, besök vår hemsida och sidan för Våra Evenemang.
    När mån-månaden Göja infaller och ljuset växer sig starkare, samlas vi för att hålla Disablot, ett heligt blot tillägnat de mäktiga Diserna. Dessa kvinnliga väsen har makt över både liv och död och är nära knutna till fruktbarhet och öde. Diserna är både beskyddare och skapare, och genom deras kraft vävs våra öden samman med naturens rytm. I år infaller Disablotet på fullmånekvällen den 14 mars, vid en tid då solen återvänder mer och mer, och dess värme börjar väcka jorden till liv. Solens återkomst är avgörande för fruktbarheten, både i naturen och i människors liv. Det är nu markerna börjar tina, saven stiger i träden och djurlivet vaknar på nytt. Med solen kommer livskraft och växtlighet, och det är en tid att vända sig till Diserna för att söka deras gunst över det som ska gro och växa under året. Disablotet är en stund att hedra de gudomliga Diserna, vilka är förmödrar, Gudinnor, valkyrior, fylgior dvs. makter som formar världens gång. Dessa är alla med en särskild roll i livets stora väv. För oss är blotet också ett sätt att söka deras skydd och välgång inför framtiden. Bland Diserna finns Freja, fruktbarhetens och livets gudinna, men också en krigsgudinna och dödsgudinna. Hon styr över Folkvanger, där hon tar emot hälften av de stupade krigarna, och hon är djupt förknippad med sejd och ödesmakt. Vid Disablotet vänder vi oss till Freja för livskraft, styrka och beskydd inför årets prövningar. Blotet är en helig handling där vi åkallar och vänder oss till makterna, visar vördnad och ger våra gåvor så som honung och mjöd, som en hyllning till livets sötma, och blommor eller frön, som ett tecken på fruktbarhet och skaparkraft. Bröd, gryn och lokalt kött ges som symboler för överflöd och näring, en påminnelse om livets kretslopp och vår tacksamhet för det vi skördar och fostrar. Disablotet är en stund av vördnad, en påminnelse om att våra öden inte är helt i våra egna händer, utan formas i samspel med de större makterna. Genom våra gåvor stärker vi banden till Diserna, hedrar våra förfäder och söker deras kraft och visdom. Nordiska Asa-samfundet välkomnar er att delta i våra blotlags Disablot som arrangeras runtom i vårt avlånga land. För mer information om tid och plats, besök vår hemsida och sidan för Våra Evenemang. https://asa-samfundet.se/evenemang/
    0 0 335
  • I had a very new friend die just now.

    I want to share with you all something vulnerable and personal. I hope it is ok with me sharing this. If anything, maybe this can shed some light on someone else struggling with this.

    This is going to be a long post, and I don't expect many to read it all the way through... or even fucking understand what I am trying to say. Trust me, I am used to people having no clue when I talk about this, including doctors and therapists. I think I just need to get some of this off my chest for now.

    He was a fan of mine for over 2 years and just realized recently the beard care products he was buying was made by the same dude, me. He reached out to me back in December with a long email and asked me what inspires me to my core. I sent him a long email back explaining that my "inspiration" is honestly more of a curse rather than blessing and explained how almost all my life I experience something called "Óðr" in Old Norse, translated to something like frenzied inspiration or divine madness, but there isn't really a proper word for it in English. For me though it is very vivid which leads to insomnia, mania and psychosis if I don't get what is in my head... out of my head. This happens with my music, my scents in my products and through my artwork. This resorts in me basically sacrificing everything in the pursuit of literally not going insane. (I can go more into this in another post, but for the time being let's just leave it here).

    He responded back in a very long email explaining to me that my email and my explanation of Óðr put into perspective his entire childhood and how he too suffers from something similar, but he must draw it from his mind. If he doesn't draw it exactly how it is in his head, he has to keep trying. He had tried to see doctors for it and they all labeled him having a form of OCD, but there was nothing else in his life that was even remotely related to OCD. My therapist thought I had a form of schizophrenia, but I doubt that.

    With everything I had said, for the first time he felt understood. For the first time, there was someone else out there that knew exactly what he dealt with. I mean, damn, for the first time I felt someone else finally understood what the fuck I have to deal with. For him though, it got so serious in his head this led to attempted suicide twice not being able to get this out of his head in time. Through these conversations and vulnerabilities shared, a bond was made unique to anything I have ever experienced. It was a bond that felt spiritual.

    Fast forward to about a week ago, he told me he was losing weight rapidly and went to the doctor and got the blood tests back and they found out he had pancreatic cancer. The doctor told him that he doesn't have much time and needed to get his things in order for his family because surgery/chemo is not possible. It was too late.

    He died a few hours ago. The thing that fucks me up the most is that it was my music that made him feel at ease when dealing with Óðr for the past 2 years without even knowing it was because of Óðr I wrote those very songs, and it was my music that has been playing nonstop for the last 2 days now easing him into the abyss next to his wife and children. According to his wife, it will be my music at his wake/funeral.

    I just want you all to know I read every one of your comments. I read every one of your private messages and try to respond to everything I can. I grew a very unique bond with this man when realizing that we struggle through the same mental state that is so unknown and undiagnosed. The number of messages I receive from you all about how my music affects you on a very unique and deep level... I see you. I cherish you. <3

    I had a song called Hel's Embrace I planned on releasing when I released the full Helsa's Saga. Hel's Embrace is the 6th chapter to that saga. I will be dedicating the track in memory of him and plan on releasing it soon instead.

    Rest in peace, brother.

    "Kven skal synge meg
    i daudsvevna slynge meg...
    ...Du er løyst frå banda som batt deg" - Einar Selvik
    I had a very new friend die just now. I want to share with you all something vulnerable and personal. I hope it is ok with me sharing this. If anything, maybe this can shed some light on someone else struggling with this. This is going to be a long post, and I don't expect many to read it all the way through... or even fucking understand what I am trying to say. Trust me, I am used to people having no clue when I talk about this, including doctors and therapists. I think I just need to get some of this off my chest for now. He was a fan of mine for over 2 years and just realized recently the beard care products he was buying was made by the same dude, me. He reached out to me back in December with a long email and asked me what inspires me to my core. I sent him a long email back explaining that my "inspiration" is honestly more of a curse rather than blessing and explained how almost all my life I experience something called "Óðr" in Old Norse, translated to something like frenzied inspiration or divine madness, but there isn't really a proper word for it in English. For me though it is very vivid which leads to insomnia, mania and psychosis if I don't get what is in my head... out of my head. This happens with my music, my scents in my products and through my artwork. This resorts in me basically sacrificing everything in the pursuit of literally not going insane. (I can go more into this in another post, but for the time being let's just leave it here). He responded back in a very long email explaining to me that my email and my explanation of Óðr put into perspective his entire childhood and how he too suffers from something similar, but he must draw it from his mind. If he doesn't draw it exactly how it is in his head, he has to keep trying. He had tried to see doctors for it and they all labeled him having a form of OCD, but there was nothing else in his life that was even remotely related to OCD. My therapist thought I had a form of schizophrenia, but I doubt that. With everything I had said, for the first time he felt understood. For the first time, there was someone else out there that knew exactly what he dealt with. I mean, damn, for the first time I felt someone else finally understood what the fuck I have to deal with. For him though, it got so serious in his head this led to attempted suicide twice not being able to get this out of his head in time. Through these conversations and vulnerabilities shared, a bond was made unique to anything I have ever experienced. It was a bond that felt spiritual. Fast forward to about a week ago, he told me he was losing weight rapidly and went to the doctor and got the blood tests back and they found out he had pancreatic cancer. The doctor told him that he doesn't have much time and needed to get his things in order for his family because surgery/chemo is not possible. It was too late. He died a few hours ago. The thing that fucks me up the most is that it was my music that made him feel at ease when dealing with Óðr for the past 2 years without even knowing it was because of Óðr I wrote those very songs, and it was my music that has been playing nonstop for the last 2 days now easing him into the abyss next to his wife and children. According to his wife, it will be my music at his wake/funeral. I just want you all to know I read every one of your comments. I read every one of your private messages and try to respond to everything I can. I grew a very unique bond with this man when realizing that we struggle through the same mental state that is so unknown and undiagnosed. The number of messages I receive from you all about how my music affects you on a very unique and deep level... I see you. I cherish you. <3 I had a song called Hel's Embrace I planned on releasing when I released the full Helsa's Saga. Hel's Embrace is the 6th chapter to that saga. I will be dedicating the track in memory of him and plan on releasing it soon instead. Rest in peace, brother. 🍻 "Kven skal synge meg i daudsvevna slynge meg... ...Du er løyst frå banda som batt deg" - Einar Selvik
    15 0 604
  • Regarding the Artifacts of the Gods, the Dwarves-Masters, and Dark Excess: You’ve correctly identified the artifacts and their essence, but also consider that these magnificent gifts were ultimately returned to the gods, as they originally belonged to them, albeit in a different form. The spear Gungnir, symbolizing absolute precision; the ship; the boar; the sword; and, of course, the hammer, which was altered through Loki's intervention—these all returned to their divine origins. Finally, the ring that sparked much of your discussion. You were right to deduce that the ring was necessary to replicate and reproduce the elements of the proto-foundation of Good, elements that could not be replicated in the realm of Helheimr. The ring’s design is based on the principle of time; it does not operate continuously but periodically, meaning it is linked to time—something that does not exist in Helheimr. Therefore, the ring could not function there and had to be returned to Odin. This explains the fearsome reputation of the ring, which was later immortalized in the Song of the Nibelungs and the Saga of the Volsungs, where it is said to bring misfortune. Why misfortune? Because it was created in a world of evil, embodying the very evil that people once rejected, recognizing it for what it was.

    Regarding the Artifacts of the Gods, the Dwarves-Masters, and Dark Excess: You’ve correctly identified the artifacts and their essence, but also consider that these magnificent gifts were ultimately returned to the gods, as they originally belonged to them, albeit in a different form. The spear Gungnir, symbolizing absolute precision; the ship; the boar; the sword; and, of course, the hammer, which was altered through Loki's intervention—these all returned to their divine origins. Finally, the ring that sparked much of your discussion. You were right to deduce that the ring was necessary to replicate and reproduce the elements of the proto-foundation of Good, elements that could not be replicated in the realm of Helheimr. The ring’s design is based on the principle of time; it does not operate continuously but periodically, meaning it is linked to time—something that does not exist in Helheimr. Therefore, the ring could not function there and had to be returned to Odin. This explains the fearsome reputation of the ring, which was later immortalized in the Song of the Nibelungs and the Saga of the Volsungs, where it is said to bring misfortune. Why misfortune? Because it was created in a world of evil, embodying the very evil that people once rejected, recognizing it for what it was. https://youtu.be/sB_zBZWq77Y?si=wBvHzR_jATa4Xn9s
    0 0 485
  • Well, here sleeps my latest Mjød child (since I’ll be babying it for a while until I know fermentation is steady, and for the next several months as I whisper sweet little nothings to it Lol)… Looking forward to checking this Raspberry ABV when it’s time!
    I settled with about 26 lbs of honey, 3 bags of berries, 3 cinnamon sticks.
    Until then, sleep my young one… Except you yeast- you go crazy Lol!!!
    Well, here sleeps my latest Mjød child (since I’ll be babying it for a while until I know fermentation is steady, and for the next several months as I whisper sweet little nothings to it Lol)… Looking forward to checking this Raspberry ABV when it’s time! I settled with about 26 lbs of honey, 3 bags of berries, 3 cinnamon sticks. Until then, sleep my young one… Except you yeast- you go crazy Lol!!!
    2 0 427
  • Today is the day to welcome 2025 with this year’s Vinter/Vår batch… Will be a Raspberry blend this year methinks, 7 gallons of it!
    Today is the day to welcome 2025 with this year’s Vinter/Vår batch… Will be a Raspberry blend this year methinks, 7 gallons of it!
    2 0 391
  • Not many can walk the path we walk……. Stay strong, and trust your guides, Gods and Goddesses, and instincts.
    Not many can walk the path we walk……. Stay strong, and trust your guides, Gods and Goddesses, and instincts.
    0 0 300
  • text + link further down.

    Bevarandet av vår Tro och Kultur.

    I hjärtat av de nordiska länderna, där de snöklädda fjällen möter de vidsträckta skogarna och de djupa sjöarna, finner vi en rikedom av kulturell och jordnära arv. Det är här, bland de dramatiska landskapen och de uråldriga traditionerna, som Nordiska Asa-samfundet tar sin plats som en bevarare och stöttepelare för vår tro, vårt arv, vårt ursprung och våra traditioner.

    Asatro, eller tillbedjan av de nordiska gudarna och gudinnorna, är en tro som har rotat sig djupt i den nordiska kulturen och historien. Den sträcker sig tillbaka till forntiden då våra förfäder, med sitt djupa band till naturen och kosmos, fann förankring i en tro på krafter som Oden, Tor, Freja och alla de andra makterna. Denna tro har överlevt århundraden av förändringar och utmaningar och lever idag vidare genom Nordiska Asa-samfundet.

    Läs hela artikeln på:

    The Preservation of our Trú and Culture.

    In the heart of the Nordic countries, where the snow-covered mountains meet the vast forests and deep lakes, we find a wealth of cultural and earthly heritage. It is here, among the dramatic landscapes and ancient traditions, that the Nordic Asa-Community takes its place as a guardian and pillar of our trú, our heritage, our origins, and our traditions.

    Asatru, or the worship of the Norse gods and goddesses, is a belief deeply rooted in Nordic culture and history. It dates back to ancient times when our ancestors, with their deep connection to nature and the cosmos, found anchorage in a faith in powers such as Odin, Thor, Freyja, and all the other mighty beings. This belief has survived centuries of changes and challenges and lives on today through the Nordic Asa-Community.

    Read the full article at:
    πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ text + link further down. πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺ Bevarandet av vår Tro och Kultur. I hjärtat av de nordiska länderna, där de snöklädda fjällen möter de vidsträckta skogarna och de djupa sjöarna, finner vi en rikedom av kulturell och jordnära arv. Det är här, bland de dramatiska landskapen och de uråldriga traditionerna, som Nordiska Asa-samfundet tar sin plats som en bevarare och stöttepelare för vår tro, vårt arv, vårt ursprung och våra traditioner. Asatro, eller tillbedjan av de nordiska gudarna och gudinnorna, är en tro som har rotat sig djupt i den nordiska kulturen och historien. Den sträcker sig tillbaka till forntiden då våra förfäder, med sitt djupa band till naturen och kosmos, fann förankring i en tro på krafter som Oden, Tor, Freja och alla de andra makterna. Denna tro har överlevt århundraden av förändringar och utmaningar och lever idag vidare genom Nordiska Asa-samfundet. Läs hela artikeln på: https://asa-samfundet.se/bevarandet-av-var-tro-och-kultur/ πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ The Preservation of our Trú and Culture. In the heart of the Nordic countries, where the snow-covered mountains meet the vast forests and deep lakes, we find a wealth of cultural and earthly heritage. It is here, among the dramatic landscapes and ancient traditions, that the Nordic Asa-Community takes its place as a guardian and pillar of our trú, our heritage, our origins, and our traditions. Asatru, or the worship of the Norse gods and goddesses, is a belief deeply rooted in Nordic culture and history. It dates back to ancient times when our ancestors, with their deep connection to nature and the cosmos, found anchorage in a faith in powers such as Odin, Thor, Freyja, and all the other mighty beings. This belief has survived centuries of changes and challenges and lives on today through the Nordic Asa-Community. Read the full article at: https://asa-samfundet.se/en/the-preservation-of-our-tru-and-culture/
    Bevarandet av vår Tro och Kultur
    Nordiska Asa-samfundet tar sin plats som en bevarare och stöttepelare för vår tro, vårt arv, vårt ursprung och våra traditioner.
    0 0 572
  • Finally got the studio set back up and my goofy ass couldn't help but vibe out immediately
    Finally got the studio set back up and my goofy ass couldn't help but vibe out immediately πŸ˜…πŸ’€
    8 0 471 154
  • text + link further down.

    Utförda Blot 2025: Blotlag Vergelmer höll Midvinterblot 18 Januari 2025.

    Under helgen hade blotlaget Vergelmer Midvinterblot ute på isen i Luleå...

    Läs mer på:

    Blóts performed 2025: Blót Kindred Vergelmer held Midwinter Blót on January 18, 2025.

    During the weekend the blót kindred Vergelmer had Midwinter blót out on the ice in Luleå, Sweden...

    Read more at:
    πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ text + link further down. πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺ Utförda Blot 2025: Blotlag Vergelmer höll Midvinterblot 18 Januari 2025. Under helgen hade blotlaget Vergelmer Midvinterblot ute på isen i Luleå... Läs mer på: https://asa-samfundet.se/utforda-blot-2025-blotlag-vergelmer-holl-midvinterblot-18-januari-2025/ πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ Blóts performed 2025: Blót Kindred Vergelmer held Midwinter Blót on January 18, 2025. During the weekend the blót kindred Vergelmer had Midwinter blót out on the ice in Luleå, Sweden... Read more at: https://asa-samfundet.se/en/blots-performed-2025-blot-kindred-vergelmer-held-midwinter-blot-on-january-18-2025/
    Utförda Blot 2025: Blotlag Vergelmer höll Midvinterblot 18 Januari 2025
    Under helgen hade blotlaget Vergelmer Midvinterblot ute på isen i Luleå, den helgen erbjudes mycket blås men det har inte hindrat en som kom för delta event.
    0 0 687
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