• Did a Rumble video, talking about subjects, the heathen community seems to be hesitant about.

    Feel free to fast forward to the 10 minute mark, that’s when the video officially begins.

    Share this with as many people as you can.

    Did a Rumble video, talking about subjects, the heathen community seems to be hesitant about. Feel free to fast forward to the 10 minute mark, that’s when the video officially begins. Share this with as many people as you can. https://rumble.com/v6aic5a-runes-seir-and-ableism-in-heathenry-with-dr.-scott-shell.html?e9s=src_v1_upp
    0 0 199
  • text + link further down.

    Utförda Blot 2025: Blotlag Sleipner höll Midvinterblot 12 Januari 2025.

    Söndagen den 12:e januari så höll Sleipner blotlag sitt midvintersblot.
    Årets blot hölls vid Eriksbergs hällristningar utanför Norrköping, Östergötland.
    En plats med väldigt lång historia där många olika spår kan hittas, tex hällristningar från många olika punkter i tiden.

    Läs mer på:

    Blóts performed 2025: Blót Kindred Sleipner held Midwinter Blót on January 12, 2025

    On Sunday, January 12, Blót Kindred Sleipner held theirs midwinter blót. This year’s blót was held at Eriksberg’s rock carvings outside Norrköping, Östergötland in Sweden.
    A place with a very long history where many different traces can be found, such as rock carvings from many different periods in time.

    Read more at:
    πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ text + link further down. πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺ Utförda Blot 2025: Blotlag Sleipner höll Midvinterblot 12 Januari 2025. Söndagen den 12:e januari så höll Sleipner blotlag sitt midvintersblot. Årets blot hölls vid Eriksbergs hällristningar utanför Norrköping, Östergötland. En plats med väldigt lång historia där många olika spår kan hittas, tex hällristningar från många olika punkter i tiden. Läs mer på: https://asa-samfundet.se/utforda-blot-2025-blotlag-sleipner-holl-midvinterblot-12-januari-2025/ πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ Blóts performed 2025: Blót Kindred Sleipner held Midwinter Blót on January 12, 2025 On Sunday, January 12, Blót Kindred Sleipner held theirs midwinter blót. This year’s blót was held at Eriksberg’s rock carvings outside Norrköping, Östergötland in Sweden. A place with a very long history where many different traces can be found, such as rock carvings from many different periods in time. Read more at: https://asa-samfundet.se/en/blots-performed-2025-blot-kindred-sleipner-held-midwinter-blot-on-january-12-2025/
    Utförda Blot 2025: Blotlag Sleipner höll Midvinterblot 12 Januari 2025
    Söndagen den 12:e januari så höll Sleipner blotlag sitt midvintersblot. Årets blot hölls vid Eriksbergs hällristningar utanför Norrköping, Östergötland.
    0 0 297
  • text + link further down.

    Utförda Blot 2025: Blotlag Ymer höll Midvinterblot 11 Januari 2025.

    Ymer kallade till Midvinterblot den 11 januari. Det var en mörk och ganska blåsig kväll, men ändå otroligt vacker i skenet av fullmånen och lyktor i snön. Vi hann bara börja förbereda innan det blev uppslutning av deltagare, gamla som nya. Det var inte bara Uppsalabor, utan vissa hade åkt från Stockholm och Västerås, och andra hade åkt från Dalarna.

    Läs mer på:

    Blóts performed: Blót Kindred Ymer held Midwinter Blót on 11 January 2025.

    Ymer called for the Midwinter Blót on 11 January. It was a dark and rather windy evening, but still incredibly beautiful in the light of the full moon and lanterns in the snow. We only had time to start preparing before there was a turnout of participants, old and new. It was not only Uppsala residents, but some had travelled from Stockholm and Västerås, and others had travelled from Dalarna.

    Read more at:
    πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ text + link further down. πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺ Utförda Blot 2025: Blotlag Ymer höll Midvinterblot 11 Januari 2025. Ymer kallade till Midvinterblot den 11 januari. Det var en mörk och ganska blåsig kväll, men ändå otroligt vacker i skenet av fullmånen och lyktor i snön. Vi hann bara börja förbereda innan det blev uppslutning av deltagare, gamla som nya. Det var inte bara Uppsalabor, utan vissa hade åkt från Stockholm och Västerås, och andra hade åkt från Dalarna. Läs mer på: https://asa-samfundet.se/utforda-blot-2025-blotlag-ymer-holl-midvinterblot-11-januari-2025/ πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ Blóts performed: Blót Kindred Ymer held Midwinter Blót on 11 January 2025. Ymer called for the Midwinter Blót on 11 January. It was a dark and rather windy evening, but still incredibly beautiful in the light of the full moon and lanterns in the snow. We only had time to start preparing before there was a turnout of participants, old and new. It was not only Uppsala residents, but some had travelled from Stockholm and Västerås, and others had travelled from Dalarna. Read more at: https://asa-samfundet.se/en/blots-performed-blot-kindred-ymer-held-midwinter-blot-on-11-january-2025/
    Utförda Blot 2025: Blotlag Ymer höll Midvinterblot 11 Januari 2025
    Ymer kallade till Midvinterblot den 11 januari. Det var en mörk och ganska blåsig kväll, men ändå otroligt vacker i skenet av fullmånen och lyktor i snön.
    1 0 451
  • Hello Folkrealms
    I am happy to see you all here and this community building.
    Though with building theres always hiccups, and those hiccups the past few days are the reports I've gotten that were for Hate Speech and Antisemitic content.
    I would like to kindly ask, keep the politics, racism, volkish, and white supremacist things off of Folkrealms.
    This is a place of spirituality, a place where all walks of life can share their journeys, connect and be one. Let's honor that and stick to what this site was for with our content.
    FolkRealms – A thriving community for seekers of culture, stories, and traditions. Connect, share knowledge, and celebrate the ties that bind us all.

    Hello Folkrealms I am happy to see you all here and this community building. Though with building theres always hiccups, and those hiccups the past few days are the reports I've gotten that were for Hate Speech and Antisemitic content. I would like to kindly ask, keep the politics, racism, volkish, and white supremacist things off of Folkrealms. This is a place of spirituality, a place where all walks of life can share their journeys, connect and be one. Let's honor that and stick to what this site was for with our content. FolkRealms – A thriving community for seekers of culture, stories, and traditions. Connect, share knowledge, and celebrate the ties that bind us all.
    3 1 820
  • The runes will help you understand the place within yourself, the ancient place, that is designated for connection with your god—the force that once separated a part of itself to give rise to your consciousness.

    Ksenia Menshikova
    “Runes: A Warrior’s Weapon”
    The runes will help you understand the place within yourself, the ancient place, that is designated for connection with your god—the force that once separated a part of itself to give rise to your consciousness. Ksenia Menshikova “Runes: A Warrior’s Weapon”
    0 0 495
  • A bookshelf essential imo.
    A bookshelf essential imo.
    0 0 440
  • Have you ever found yourself in a recurring dream where you return to the same unfamiliar places, only to feel as though you’ve been there before?

    In these dreams, the locations might be entirely new to you in the waking world, yet they feel strangely familiar, as if you have lived there for a long time. It's like visiting a separate dimension, where the streets, layout, and even hidden places like secret exits feel known, and each time you return, it’s as though you’re picking up right where you left off….
    Have you ever found yourself in a recurring dream where you return to the same unfamiliar places, only to feel as though you’ve been there before? In these dreams, the locations might be entirely new to you in the waking world, yet they feel strangely familiar, as if you have lived there for a long time. It's like visiting a separate dimension, where the streets, layout, and even hidden places like secret exits feel known, and each time you return, it’s as though you’re picking up right where you left off….
    1 0 443
  • This is a repost as we get closer......

    Some history on the changing or standardizing of the Yule celebration.

    Hákon the Good (c. 920–961) was the son of Harald Fairhair, the first king of Norway, and was raised in England, where he converted to Christianity. When he became king of Norway, he sought to convert his people to Christianity as well, but this was met with resistance from the pagan Norse population. He worked to integrate Christian practices with traditional Norse customs to avoid conflict, which is where the idea of "moving" or adjusting the timing of Yule might come into play.

    Hákon the Good is known to have issued laws that required the Christian observance of certain Christian holidays, while also allowing Norse traditions to continue, including aspects of the Yule festival. One of his key moves was to decree that the feast of Yule should be celebrated at the same time as the Christian holiday of Christmas, which was closely tied to the Winter Solstice. This alignment helped to ease the transition for the Norse people, as they could continue celebrating at the same time as they had before, but now under a Christian framework.

    In this sense, while Hákon the Good didn't technically "move" the date of Yule (which already had Solstice associations), he helped standardize the timing of the celebration with the Christian observance of Christmas. His efforts contributed to the Christianization of the Yule festival, making it more in line with Christian customs while preserving key elements of the older pagan tradition.

    Dr. Andreas Nordberg: “The pre-Christian Yule feast occurs at the first full moon after the first new moon following the winter solstice, while the disting took place at the third full moon according to the same method of calculation.” (Jul, disting och förkyrklig tideräkning Kalendrar och kalendariska riter i det förkristna Norden Uppsala 2006, P.4)
    This is a repost as we get closer...... Some history on the changing or standardizing of the Yule celebration. Hákon the Good (c. 920–961) was the son of Harald Fairhair, the first king of Norway, and was raised in England, where he converted to Christianity. When he became king of Norway, he sought to convert his people to Christianity as well, but this was met with resistance from the pagan Norse population. He worked to integrate Christian practices with traditional Norse customs to avoid conflict, which is where the idea of "moving" or adjusting the timing of Yule might come into play. Hákon the Good is known to have issued laws that required the Christian observance of certain Christian holidays, while also allowing Norse traditions to continue, including aspects of the Yule festival. One of his key moves was to decree that the feast of Yule should be celebrated at the same time as the Christian holiday of Christmas, which was closely tied to the Winter Solstice. This alignment helped to ease the transition for the Norse people, as they could continue celebrating at the same time as they had before, but now under a Christian framework. In this sense, while Hákon the Good didn't technically "move" the date of Yule (which already had Solstice associations), he helped standardize the timing of the celebration with the Christian observance of Christmas. His efforts contributed to the Christianization of the Yule festival, making it more in line with Christian customs while preserving key elements of the older pagan tradition. Dr. Andreas Nordberg: “The pre-Christian Yule feast occurs at the first full moon after the first new moon following the winter solstice, while the disting took place at the third full moon according to the same method of calculation.” (Jul, disting och förkyrklig tideräkning Kalendrar och kalendariska riter i det förkristna Norden Uppsala 2006, P.4)
    1 0 969
  • The runes will help you understand the place within yourself, the ancient place, that is designated for connection with your god—the force that once separated a part of itself to give rise to your consciousness. Understand what this connection does for you, what it protects you from; what it teaches you and what it points out as the lies of this world, which you personally must always combat. The runes will reveal all of this to you, but only if you are ready to accept the truth—about yourself, about this world, about this reality, about the people around you, and about your mutual and true relationships with each other.

    Ksenia Menshikova
    The runes will help you understand the place within yourself, the ancient place, that is designated for connection with your god—the force that once separated a part of itself to give rise to your consciousness. Understand what this connection does for you, what it protects you from; what it teaches you and what it points out as the lies of this world, which you personally must always combat. The runes will reveal all of this to you, but only if you are ready to accept the truth—about yourself, about this world, about this reality, about the people around you, and about your mutual and true relationships with each other. Ksenia Menshikova
    0 0 831
  • Snow storms has the shelves cleared of bread so i made this loaf and some chocolate chip muffins for the kids and have a loaf of wheat and rye in the oven now.
    Snow storms has the shelves cleared of bread so i made this loaf and some chocolate chip muffins for the kids and have a loaf of wheat and rye in the oven now.
    14 0 662
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