• text + link further down.

    Utförda Blot 2025: Blotlag Sleipner höll Midvinterblot 12 Januari 2025.

    Söndagen den 12:e januari så höll Sleipner blotlag sitt midvintersblot.
    Årets blot hölls vid Eriksbergs hällristningar utanför Norrköping, Östergötland.
    En plats med väldigt lång historia där många olika spår kan hittas, tex hällristningar från många olika punkter i tiden.

    Läs mer på:

    Blóts performed 2025: Blót Kindred Sleipner held Midwinter Blót on January 12, 2025

    On Sunday, January 12, Blót Kindred Sleipner held theirs midwinter blót. This year’s blót was held at Eriksberg’s rock carvings outside Norrköping, Östergötland in Sweden.
    A place with a very long history where many different traces can be found, such as rock carvings from many different periods in time.

    Read more at:
    🇬🇧 text + link further down. 🇸🇪 Utförda Blot 2025: Blotlag Sleipner höll Midvinterblot 12 Januari 2025. Söndagen den 12:e januari så höll Sleipner blotlag sitt midvintersblot. Årets blot hölls vid Eriksbergs hällristningar utanför Norrköping, Östergötland. En plats med väldigt lång historia där många olika spår kan hittas, tex hällristningar från många olika punkter i tiden. Läs mer på: https://asa-samfundet.se/utforda-blot-2025-blotlag-sleipner-holl-midvinterblot-12-januari-2025/ 🇬🇧 Blóts performed 2025: Blót Kindred Sleipner held Midwinter Blót on January 12, 2025 On Sunday, January 12, Blót Kindred Sleipner held theirs midwinter blót. This year’s blót was held at Eriksberg’s rock carvings outside Norrköping, Östergötland in Sweden. A place with a very long history where many different traces can be found, such as rock carvings from many different periods in time. Read more at: https://asa-samfundet.se/en/blots-performed-2025-blot-kindred-sleipner-held-midwinter-blot-on-january-12-2025/
    Utförda Blot 2025: Blotlag Sleipner höll Midvinterblot 12 Januari 2025
    Söndagen den 12:e januari så höll Sleipner blotlag sitt midvintersblot. Årets blot hölls vid Eriksbergs hällristningar utanför Norrköping, Östergötland.
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    Haha, Good Morning Folkrealms! :)
    Fellow Danes may want to tie a rock to me and throw me in the Sea for giving props to Sweden on languages but I'll say, the limited Danish I did speak growing up of course had all the curse words and naughty words, but with that, I always liked to say the Swedish 'Helveta' instead of the Danish Helvede, because I liked the sharpness of 'Helveta'. Don't hate me guys! Haha, Good Morning Folkrealms! :)
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    This year was hard but thrilling and I'm still here😉 One gig I played at school in the shelter after being fainted first in my life One video I recorded staying on the lake shore during one of the biggest rocket attacks since russian invasion started Two music gadgets, which I craved several years, I've bought Three splendid musicians, whom I could dream, I've gathered together Three sacral places were seen Six tracks are on the finish for the new album after three years of solo work
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  • When my feet steps on mystical rug of moss, city dissolves behind my back and a vivid world of deep shades of green comes into focus. The moment I am surrounded by thick forest, the world goes silent. For a moment, nothing hapens. Few minutes later, nothing continues to happen. And this, it seems, can go on for eternity and beyond. Every single moment spent there is like a snapshot of something grand happening. Every single moment seems frozen in time, but at the same time, it is a part of process that moves the mountains and shatters rocks.
    A forest is a calm, but mighty giant. The weather is his mood, and there isn’t a force in the world that is capable of suppressing this mood or controlling such unpredictable temper.
    My existence here does not need to be acknowledged in any particular way, and there is no one to acknowledge it. This is the kind of existence that induces a powerful revelation described by words “This is not about you. Nothing is about you. You are not the center of anything.” It’s a chaos. An elegant, self-organizing chaos, that does not need any deliberate order, or supervising force to govern it.
    When my feet steps on mystical rug of moss, city dissolves behind my back and a vivid world of deep shades of green comes into focus. The moment I am surrounded by thick forest, the world goes silent. For a moment, nothing hapens. Few minutes later, nothing continues to happen. And this, it seems, can go on for eternity and beyond. Every single moment spent there is like a snapshot of something grand happening. Every single moment seems frozen in time, but at the same time, it is a part of process that moves the mountains and shatters rocks. A forest is a calm, but mighty giant. The weather is his mood, and there isn’t a force in the world that is capable of suppressing this mood or controlling such unpredictable temper. My existence here does not need to be acknowledged in any particular way, and there is no one to acknowledge it. This is the kind of existence that induces a powerful revelation described by words “This is not about you. Nothing is about you. You are not the center of anything.” It’s a chaos. An elegant, self-organizing chaos, that does not need any deliberate order, or supervising force to govern it.
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    A small ritual on one of our outside altars (I love bones and Dansk Mjød if you can't tell), officiating an oath ring for members to swear over in the sacred space. The knife was placed to represent us cutting and spilling blood, into a bowl that was filled with a strawberry mead, that the oath ring was dipped into and then laid upon the small rock cairn.
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