• Hi everyone, it has be awhile since I have been online, been a bit depressed with the recent election in the U.S. But working through this. Here is an image of my most recent painting, Rose Path. I will post more in the coming days. Doing a rework, update on a Wolf painting for my Red Riding Hood Series. Listening to Heilung.
    Hi everyone, it has be awhile since I have been online, been a bit depressed with the recent election in the U.S. But working through this. Here is an image of my most recent painting, Rose Path. I will post more in the coming days. Doing a rework, update on a Wolf painting for my Red Riding Hood Series. Listening to Heilung.
    2 Comments 0 Shares 91 Views
  • https://www.archaeologyshetland.org/post/in-depth-the-fate-of-the-picts-in-the-northern-isles?fbclid=IwY2xjawGkTBlleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHaIiSCMFsTeLCkHgHJkGaPgKb7Dgslketd8i0SlitIDxO3LeawWZAWo2Vg_aem_R4aUIEiIM6HgvOotDccVcg
    In Depth - The Fate of the Picts in the Northern Isles
    The following article is an examination of a divisive topic for some in the Northern Isles. As the author, I am often puzzled over the passions this subject stirs up and what I see as the peculiar need to litigate events from 1200 years ago. At the same time, I am also struck by the way in which the archaeology itself is often presented in an effort to answer a question for which it is not presently best equipped to do. For myself it feels a lot like revisionist history, a preferred answer in de
    2 Comments 0 Shares 91 Views
  • #OST #Kantele #Drums #Pad
    #OST #Kantele #Drums #Pad
    0 Comments 0 Shares 118 Views
  • translation available in the event at our website.

    Kom och fira Sommarblotet med Nordiska Asa-samfundet.

    Lördagen den 12 juli klockan 14:00 är det åter dags för NAS Sommarblot vid den fantastiska Rökstenen i Ödeshög.
    Efter blotet anordnas det ett stort gille nere på NAS Camping. Gillet är ett knytgille där alla tar med egen mat/dryck.

    Under lördagen kommer det att hållas olika aktiviteter, så som tipspromenad, mjödtävling, blotlagskamp m.m. m.m.
    Missa inte all denna festlighet med likasinnade och trevliga fränder och fränkor.

    Vi i Nordiska Asa-samfundet hoppas vi syns på plats för ett mäktigt blot och trevliga samtal under dagen.

    Blot: Gratis
    Gille Vuxen: 200:-/Person (Gäller enbart gillet efter blotet)
    Gille Barn: Gratis för barn upp till 16 år
    Husvagnsplats/Husbil: 50:-/Plats (Gäller fredag 11 Juli – Söndag 13 Juli)
    Tältplats: 30:-/Plats (Gäller fredag 11 Juli – Söndag 13 Juli)
    Parkering: 20:-/Plats (Gäller fredag 11 Juli – Söndag 13 Juli)
    Frukost: Kaffe/The & smörgås: 25 kr (Lördag 12 jul och/eller Söndag 13 juli)

    Boka - Mer information

    (Fotografering och videoupptagning kan förekomma på alla samfundets Blot och evenemang och där efter publiceras på samfundets olika plattformar.)

    πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ translation available in the event at our website. πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺ Kom och fira Sommarblotet med Nordiska Asa-samfundet. Lördagen den 12 juli klockan 14:00 är det åter dags för NAS Sommarblot vid den fantastiska Rökstenen i Ödeshög. Efter blotet anordnas det ett stort gille nere på NAS Camping. Gillet är ett knytgille där alla tar med egen mat/dryck. Under lördagen kommer det att hållas olika aktiviteter, så som tipspromenad, mjödtävling, blotlagskamp m.m. m.m. Missa inte all denna festlighet med likasinnade och trevliga fränder och fränkor. Vi i Nordiska Asa-samfundet hoppas vi syns på plats för ett mäktigt blot och trevliga samtal under dagen. Priser: πŸ‘‰ Blot: Gratis πŸ‘‰ Gille Vuxen: 200:-/Person (Gäller enbart gillet efter blotet) πŸ‘‰ Gille Barn: Gratis för barn upp till 16 år πŸ‘‰ Husvagnsplats/Husbil: 50:-/Plats (Gäller fredag 11 Juli – Söndag 13 Juli) πŸ‘‰ Tältplats: 30:-/Plats (Gäller fredag 11 Juli – Söndag 13 Juli) πŸ‘‰ Parkering: 20:-/Plats (Gäller fredag 11 Juli – Söndag 13 Juli) πŸ‘‰ Frukost: Kaffe/The & smörgås: 25 kr (Lördag 12 jul och/eller Söndag 13 juli) πŸ‘‡Boka - Mer information πŸ‘‡ https://asa-samfundet.se/evenemang/sommarblot-2025/ (Fotografering och videoupptagning kan förekomma på alla samfundets Blot och evenemang och där efter publiceras på samfundets olika plattformar.) SISTA DATUM FÖR ATT BOKA: 8 JULI 2025.
    Sommarblot 2025
    Kom och fira Sommarblotet med Nordiska Asa-samfundet. Lördagen den 12 juli 2025 är det återigen dags tillsammans med gudar, gudinnor och platsens rådare att fira Sommaren med ett stort blot vid Rökstenen i Ödeshög!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 136 Views
  • With many forms of divination (Runes, Ogham, Elemental Scrying ect) which one do you find yourself drawn to or use the most?
    With many forms of divination (Runes, Ogham, Elemental Scrying ect) which one do you find yourself drawn to or use the most?
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  • What was your calling to a Pagan belief? Ancestry, just felt right, maybe still not sure? Not all who wander are lost afterall
    What was your calling to a Pagan belief? Ancestry, just felt right, maybe still not sure? Not all who wander are lost afterall
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  • First sign of Frost here in the Danelaw. Frermánuðr (frost month).
    First sign of Frost here in the Danelaw. Frermánuðr (frost month).
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  • Fathers side, majority of his side came from Ireland/Scotland. My mothers side I have no idea where they came from. lol (I know most didn't have crests/coat of arms unless they were royals, but this is still what came up of his side)
    Fathers side, majority of his side came from Ireland/Scotland. My mothers side I have no idea where they came from. lol (I know most didn't have crests/coat of arms unless they were royals, but this is still what came up of his side)
    4 Comments 0 Shares 109 Views
  • There are so many people nowadays who call themselves runologists and claim to be masters, but in reality, it isn't so. How can one tell that he is not dealing with an imposter?”

    There is a very good way. It is to become a master yourself. Then nobody will be able to fool you. But in order to become a master, you need to have a teacher. It seems to be a Catch-22, but it isn't so. Because according to our tradition, the Northern Tradition, the only one who is able to teach you the Aesir tradition and the runes, and give you an opportunity to embrace its most inner knowledge is the god Odin and him alone. Therefore, if you learn from him and become a master yourself, you will no longer need to ask such a question since it will become meaningless.
    There are so many people nowadays who call themselves runologists and claim to be masters, but in reality, it isn't so. How can one tell that he is not dealing with an imposter?” There is a very good way. It is to become a master yourself. Then nobody will be able to fool you. But in order to become a master, you need to have a teacher. It seems to be a Catch-22, but it isn't so. Because according to our tradition, the Northern Tradition, the only one who is able to teach you the Aesir tradition and the runes, and give you an opportunity to embrace its most inner knowledge is the god Odin and him alone. Therefore, if you learn from him and become a master yourself, you will no longer need to ask such a question since it will become meaningless. KSENIA MENSHIKOVA
    2 Comments 0 Shares 153 Views
  • Why is it so hard to find places that sell larger sized piercings (with a good selection) for stretched ears? Most only go up to 1 in.
    Why is it so hard to find places that sell larger sized piercings (with a good selection) for stretched ears? Most only go up to 1 in.
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