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  • The Gebo rune represents balance and harmony. It is the next rune in the 1st Aett and is also the first irreversible rune in the Futhark. When you embrace its power, aligning your consciousness with the vibrations of the Gebo rune, you become attuned to the energies and information flowing from both Alfheimr and Niflheimr. This opens the path to Asgard, allowing you to access its wisdom. The key to the world of Law is unlocked. To enter Asgard and understand the world of Law, you must view this rune as a channel and grasp its purpose. Absorb the knowledge of its role, integrate it smoothly into your awareness, and live according to its guiding principles.
    0 0 343
  • Worte zum Merken
    Worte zum Merken

    Wo einer denkt, entsteht ein kleiner Funke, wo tausend denken, wird daraus ein Licht!
    Ein Tröpfchen Wasser reicht noch nicht zum Trunke, und ein Erkenntniskorn genügt noch nicht.

    Erst wenn dasselbe viel Millionen fühlen, erst wenn uns allesamt ein Ding bewegt,
    Kann unser Handeln jenen Wert erzielen, der die Gewähr für beßre Zukunft trägt.

    Aus der Gemeinschaft muß Erlösung kommen, denn sie allein befruchtet unsern Geist, aus ihr hat mancher schon die Kraft genommen, die Mauern und Gebäude niederreißt.

    Wo einer schreitet, geht sein Schritt verloren, wo tausend schreiten, ist ihr Gang voll Wucht, drum haben wir uns unlösbar verschworen und fügen uns in Ordnung, Sinn und Zucht!

    Das Lied der Getreuen
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  • Deine Ahnen blicken auf dich und dein Wirken. Der entwurzelte Mensch glaubt frei zu sein, da keine Grenzen oder Pflichten im Weg stehen. Man kann jedem Trieb nachgehen. Das ist jedoch keine Freiheit, das ist der freie Fall.

    In dir leben tausende von Generationen. Und wenn du an der Reihe bist das Erbe zu tragen, ist es deine Pflicht dieses Erbe vollständig weiter zu geben. Es ist Schutz vor Feindkräften, es ist geladen mit Energie, Wissen und Magie. Materie, Gene, Gefühle sind Wellen und können nicht verloren gehen. Es sei denn du entscheidest dich gegen deine Ahnen. Die daraus resultierende Stille wäre für diese Welt ein Verlust.
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  • A very happy and healthy 2025 from me to you all! May you master all your challenges and may the gods keep you safe.
    A year of loss and lessons is ending for me, and tonight is the final night of introspection and divination before the cycle starts again.
    A very happy and healthy 2025 from me to you all! May you master all your challenges and may the gods keep you safe. A year of loss and lessons is ending for me, and tonight is the final night of introspection and divination before the cycle starts again.
    4 0 833
  • With permission from Ryan Smith, I am posting this here from FB. Please share with others.
    Hey everyone,
    I have some exciting news! I am going to be presenting a talk at the Harvard Divinity School this April on heavy metal and Paganism. This talk is based on an ongoing study that asks Pagans, metalheads, and Pagan metalheads to share their experiences, opinions, and feelings on heavy metal and their spirituality. The presentation will also be livestreamed and available to the public!
    If you or someone you know would be interested in sharing your experiences with heavy metal and Paganism then please fill out this survey:
    And share it far and wide!
    Thank you all again for your support and participation, I am looking forward to presenting your stories at Harvard.
    With permission from Ryan Smith, I am posting this here from FB. Please share with others. Hey everyone, I have some exciting news! I am going to be presenting a talk at the Harvard Divinity School this April on heavy metal and Paganism. This talk is based on an ongoing study that asks Pagans, metalheads, and Pagan metalheads to share their experiences, opinions, and feelings on heavy metal and their spirituality. The presentation will also be livestreamed and available to the public! If you or someone you know would be interested in sharing your experiences with heavy metal and Paganism then please fill out this survey: And share it far and wide! Thank you all again for your support and participation, I am looking forward to presenting your stories at Harvard.
    1 0 744
  • Reading, in depth, on jötnar and gýgjar. (Wikipedia)

    The name Aurvandill caught my eye and with further reading I found that J.R.R. Tolkien was inspired by it. Thinking back, I believe a friend in high school had explained this to me long ago.

    I feel as though it has taken me too long to finally apply myself to reading more in depth.
    Aurvandill (Old Norse) is a figure in Germanic mythology. In Norse mythology, the god Thor tosses Aurvandill's toe – which had frozen while the thunder god was carrying him in a basket across the Élivágar rivers – into the sky to form a star called Aurvandils-tá ('Aurvandill's toe'). In wider medieval Germanic-speaking cultures, he was known as Ēarendel in Old English, Aurendil in Old High German, Auriwandalo in Lombardic, and possibly as auzandil in Gothic. An Old Danish Latinized version, Horwendillus (Ørvendil), is also the name given to the father of ...
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  • the more you know...
    the more you know...
    The historical dates of Yule.

    2 sources:

    Hakon the Good was a Norwegian king, who tried to force Christianity on Norway (hence he is called “the Good.”) In the Saga of Hakon the Good, Hakon moved Yule from its traditional time on the Heathen Lunar calendar, to be at the same time as christian celebration called christmas.

    Chapter 15 of the saga "Hakon the Good":
    “King Hakon was a good Christian when he came to Norway; but as the whole country was heathen, with much heathen blot, and as many great people, as well as the favor of the common people, were to be conciliated, he resolved to practice his Christianity in private. But he kept Sundays, and the Friday fasts, and some token of the greatest holy-days. He made a law that the festival of Yule should begin at the same time as Christian people held it, and that every man, under penalty, should brew a meal of malt into ale, and therewith keep the Yule holy as long as it lasted. Before him, the first night of Yule was on hǫkunótt, that is midwinter night, and Yule was held for three nights."

    The Chronicon of Thietmar of Merseburg Chapter 17 (circa 925 AD):
    "As I have heard odd stories concerning their ancient mid-winter sacrifices (blots), I will not allow this custom to be ignored. The middle of that kingdom is called Lederun (Lejre), in the region of Sjælland, all the people gathered every nine years in January, that is after we have celebrated the birth of the Lord, and there they offered to their gods sacrifices…”
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  • Have a blessed winter solstice everyone, here`s to a brighter future!
    Have a blessed winter solstice everyone, here`s to a brighter future! 🥂
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