• Hey guys!

    This post is not Guslar related


    I am also a photographer and medieval reenactor. This year I made a calendar which is "erotic" in early medieval style. It's in Polish with Polish holidays but maybe someone would like to have one :)

    10 euro + shipping cost
    Hey guys! This post is not Guslar related But I am also a photographer and medieval reenactor. This year I made a calendar which is "erotic" in early medieval style. It's in Polish with Polish holidays but maybe someone would like to have one :) 10 euro + shipping cost
    0 0 882
  • A new DNA research.

    High-resolution genomic history of early medieval Europe.

    Many known and unknown historical events have remained below detection thresholds of genetic studies because subtle ancestry changes are challenging to reconstruct. Methods based on shared haplotypes1,2 and rare variants3,4 improve power but are not explicitly temporal and have not been possible to adopt in unbiased ancestry models. Here we develop Twigstats, an approach of time-stratified ancestry analysis that can improve statistical power by an order of magnitude by focusing on coalescences in recent times, while remaining unbiased by population-specific drift. We apply this framework to 1,556 available ancient whole genomes from Europe in the historical period. We are able to model individual-level ancestry using preceding genomes to provide high resolution. During the first half of the first millennium ce, we observe at least two different streams of Scandinavian-related ancestry expanding across western, central and eastern Europe. By contrast, during the second half of the first millennium ce, ancestry patterns suggest the regional disappearance or substantial admixture of these ancestries. In Scandinavia, we document a major ancestry influx by approximately 800 ce, when a large proportion of Viking Age individuals carried ancestry from groups related to central Europe not seen in individuals from the early Iron Age. Our findings suggest that time-stratified ancestry analysis can provide a higher-resolution lens for genetic history.

    A new DNA research. High-resolution genomic history of early medieval Europe. Many known and unknown historical events have remained below detection thresholds of genetic studies because subtle ancestry changes are challenging to reconstruct. Methods based on shared haplotypes1,2 and rare variants3,4 improve power but are not explicitly temporal and have not been possible to adopt in unbiased ancestry models. Here we develop Twigstats, an approach of time-stratified ancestry analysis that can improve statistical power by an order of magnitude by focusing on coalescences in recent times, while remaining unbiased by population-specific drift. We apply this framework to 1,556 available ancient whole genomes from Europe in the historical period. We are able to model individual-level ancestry using preceding genomes to provide high resolution. During the first half of the first millennium ce, we observe at least two different streams of Scandinavian-related ancestry expanding across western, central and eastern Europe. By contrast, during the second half of the first millennium ce, ancestry patterns suggest the regional disappearance or substantial admixture of these ancestries. In Scandinavia, we document a major ancestry influx by approximately 800 ce, when a large proportion of Viking Age individuals carried ancestry from groups related to central Europe not seen in individuals from the early Iron Age. Our findings suggest that time-stratified ancestry analysis can provide a higher-resolution lens for genetic history. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-08275-2
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  • Norse code.
    The use of genetic ancestry to trace history and probe events of the past is challenging because ancestries in many locations are relatively similar, making it hard to distinguish groups and populations. In January edition of Nature Magazine, The researchers use a new technique to examine the genomic history of early medieval Europe. This allowed them to track the expansion of two streams of Scandinavian-related ancestry across the continent, as well a later stream of ancestry expanding into Scandinavia before the Viking Age (around 750–1050). The cover is inspired by the serpentine carvings found on Viking Age runestones and features the Elder Futhark runes for the DNA nucleotides A, T, G and C (K). — show less

    Cover image: Art by Oliver Uberti. (Stone texture: © Olga Yastremska, New Africa, Africa Studio/Adobe Stock)
    Norse code. The use of genetic ancestry to trace history and probe events of the past is challenging because ancestries in many locations are relatively similar, making it hard to distinguish groups and populations. In January edition of Nature Magazine, The researchers use a new technique to examine the genomic history of early medieval Europe. This allowed them to track the expansion of two streams of Scandinavian-related ancestry across the continent, as well a later stream of ancestry expanding into Scandinavia before the Viking Age (around 750–1050). The cover is inspired by the serpentine carvings found on Viking Age runestones and features the Elder Futhark runes for the DNA nucleotides A, T, G and C (K). — show less Cover image: Art by Oliver Uberti. (Stone texture: © Olga Yastremska, New Africa, Africa Studio/Adobe Stock)
    1 0 1178
  • What are songs about part 1

    Wieszczba (Divination/Omen)

    Probably I won't be wrong if I say that in every culture that is or was, divination and reading omens are common. Currently more as a game or part of some traditional feasts. In the medieval (and not only) times, reading omens was part of everyday life. Will the crops grow big? Will my children be healthy? Will my cattle be strong and give much milk?

    And young adults had one more question... Who will be my beloved one?

    This song is about that particular question. Till modern times some of divination practices survived, such as wax melting and reading from its shadow.

    Here are the song lyrics and English translation:

    Mieszaj, mieszaj sny, pragnienia
    Ta noc magią życie zmienia
    Coś dla niego i coś dla niej
    Ta noc niesie swe przesłanie

    Mieszaj, mieszaj, ogień płonie
    Szepcze o nim, szepcze o niej
    Dusze tańczą, wosk przelewa
    Mieszaj, mieszaj, tańcz i śpiewaj

    Mieszaj, mieszaj, losu kole
    Węzły splataj, poproś Dolę
    Już Narecznic trwają tany
    Któż wywróży ich zamiary?

    Stir, stir the dreams, desire
    This night changes lives with magic
    Something for him, something for her
    This night has its message

    Stir, stir, the fire burns
    Whispers about him, whispers about her
    Souls dance, wax spills
    Stir, stir, dance and sing

    Stir, stir, wheel of fate
    Weave knots, ask Dola
    The Narecznice are already dancing
    Who can tell their intentions?
    What are songs about part 1 Wieszczba (Divination/Omen) Probably I won't be wrong if I say that in every culture that is or was, divination and reading omens are common. Currently more as a game or part of some traditional feasts. In the medieval (and not only) times, reading omens was part of everyday life. Will the crops grow big? Will my children be healthy? Will my cattle be strong and give much milk? And young adults had one more question... Who will be my beloved one? This song is about that particular question. Till modern times some of divination practices survived, such as wax melting and reading from its shadow. Here are the song lyrics and English translation: (PL) Mieszaj, mieszaj sny, pragnienia Ta noc magią życie zmienia Coś dla niego i coś dla niej Ta noc niesie swe przesłanie Mieszaj, mieszaj, ogień płonie Szepcze o nim, szepcze o niej Dusze tańczą, wosk przelewa Mieszaj, mieszaj, tańcz i śpiewaj Mieszaj, mieszaj, losu kole Węzły splataj, poproś Dolę Już Narecznic trwają tany Któż wywróży ich zamiary? (ENG) Stir, stir the dreams, desire This night changes lives with magic Something for him, something for her This night has its message Stir, stir, the fire burns Whispers about him, whispers about her Souls dance, wax spills Stir, stir, dance and sing Stir, stir, wheel of fate Weave knots, ask Dola The Narecznice are already dancing Who can tell their intentions?
    0 0 950
  • SHAMAN (Label Artwork)

    Spicy blend of Clove, Rosemary, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, Citrus Notes

    Shaman draws from the ancient wisdom of Norse völvas and healers, those who harnessed the power of earth’s rarest herbs and spices to protect and empower. This blend of Clove, Rosemary, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, and Citrus evokes the rituals of seers who invoked the elements to shield their kin from misfortune. The dark, spicy aroma recalls a time when nature’s gifts were sacred, each scent carrying the essence of resilience, healing, and the strength of those who walked between worlds. Shaman is an homage to the herbal guardianship of old, a scent steeped in the potency and mystery of Norse lore.

    One of the valhalla ladders used in this design is actually mine I got hanging next to my monitors in the studio. :) It consists of driftwood that floated along the shore during a storm while I was on mushrooms.

    This is the third scent I had ever created for Valkyrie. It was heavily inspired by the iconic thieves blend oil that was rumored to be a concoction used back in the medieval ages to ward away the plague.

    The icon for shaman took me the longest to figure out what exactly I wanted to use. I finally settled on something resembling a potion but also bones and fire involved in its design.

    The Bindrune consists of four elder futhark runes:
    ᚨ (Ansuz): The divine communication rune, symbolizing the whispers from the gods and the shaman’s role as a conduit for their messages.
    ᛏ (Tiwaz): The rune of sacrifice, representing the trials and personal cost endured by the shaman to gain wisdom and power.
    ᚲ (Kaunaz): The flame of insight, representing the shaman's inner fire that burns with hidden knowledge and reveals truths from the unknown.
    ᛉ (Algiz) (inverted): A symbol of vulnerability and submission to chaotic forces, reflecting the shaman’s willingness to risk danger in pursuit of truth and connection with the divine.

    This bindrune captures the mystical power, sacrifice, and dark insight of a shaman diving into the unknown. Perfectly balanced between mystery and danger.

    SHAMAN (Label Artwork) 🔥SCENT🔥 Spicy blend of Clove, Rosemary, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, Citrus Notes 💡INSPIRATION💡 Shaman draws from the ancient wisdom of Norse völvas and healers, those who harnessed the power of earth’s rarest herbs and spices to protect and empower. This blend of Clove, Rosemary, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, and Citrus evokes the rituals of seers who invoked the elements to shield their kin from misfortune. The dark, spicy aroma recalls a time when nature’s gifts were sacred, each scent carrying the essence of resilience, healing, and the strength of those who walked between worlds. Shaman is an homage to the herbal guardianship of old, a scent steeped in the potency and mystery of Norse lore. 🎨BEHIND THE SCENES🎨 ▪️One of the valhalla ladders used in this design is actually mine I got hanging next to my monitors in the studio. :) It consists of driftwood that floated along the shore during a storm while I was on mushrooms. 🍄 ▪️This is the third scent I had ever created for Valkyrie. It was heavily inspired by the iconic thieves blend oil that was rumored to be a concoction used back in the medieval ages to ward away the plague. ▪️The icon for shaman took me the longest to figure out what exactly I wanted to use. I finally settled on something resembling a potion but also bones and fire involved in its design. The Bindrune consists of four elder futhark runes: ᚨ (Ansuz): The divine communication rune, symbolizing the whispers from the gods and the shaman’s role as a conduit for their messages. ᛏ (Tiwaz): The rune of sacrifice, representing the trials and personal cost endured by the shaman to gain wisdom and power. ᚲ (Kaunaz): The flame of insight, representing the shaman's inner fire that burns with hidden knowledge and reveals truths from the unknown. ᛉ (Algiz) (inverted): A symbol of vulnerability and submission to chaotic forces, reflecting the shaman’s willingness to risk danger in pursuit of truth and connection with the divine. This bindrune captures the mystical power, sacrifice, and dark insight of a shaman diving into the unknown. Perfectly balanced between mystery and danger. www.valkyriebeardcare.com
    0 0 1365
  • https://www.livescience.com/archaeology/dna-analysis-of-medieval-man-thrown-into-a-well-suggests-story-in-norse-saga-really-happened
    DNA analysis of medieval man thrown into a well suggests story in Norse saga really happened
    A new analysis indicates the human remains found in a well in Norway are from a 1197 raid described in a royal history.
    0 0 473
  • https://www.academia.edu/8790548/The_Season_of_the_D%C3%ADsir_The_Winter_Nights_and_the_D%C3%ADsabl%C3%B3t_in_early_Medieval_Scandianvian_Belief_Cosmos_
    The Season of the Dísir: The Winter Nights and the Dísablót in early Medieval Scandianvian Belief (Cosmos)
    The Season of the Dísir: The Winter Nights and the Dísablót in early Medieval Scandianvian Belief (Cosmos)
    0 0 499
  • Might be attending this year. Up in the air right now because my fiancé works weekends. Thought I'd share the event though. Plenty of room for Norse culture to shine during this era.

    (Tennessee Medieval Faire)

    Might be attending this year. Up in the air right now because my fiancé works weekends. Thought I'd share the event though. Plenty of room for Norse culture to shine during this era. 🥰 (Tennessee Medieval Faire) https://tmfaire.com
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