Doing some finishing touches on the first single of Æthyrien X. While this is using a ton of AI for the foundation, as you can see in the second image, I'm quite literally still composing the song itself. While AI is incredible and has been exponentially advancing, it is still very limited. This first track is about Hermóðr riding to Helheim to free his brother from Hel's domain. I have given personalities to all three in this track, Hermóðr, Baldr and Hel herself. This project is unlike ANYTHING I have ever done so please go into it with an open mind.

This track in particular is very "theatrical". The next track may not be anything like this song. This is why I am very excited about Æthyrien X. It's freedom. I can literally do anything without limitations. The only code I will follow is providing a fresh perspective on storytelling the Old Norse poetry. <3

I hope to release this track later today on my new channel:

Æthyrien X - Ferð Hermóðrs til Heljar (Hermóðr's Journey to Hel)
Sub to my channel:
Hail Braggi!
Doing some finishing touches on the first single of Æthyrien X. While this is using a ton of AI for the foundation, as you can see in the second image, I'm quite literally still composing the song itself. While AI is incredible and has been exponentially advancing, it is still very limited. This first track is about Hermóðr riding to Helheim to free his brother from Hel's domain. I have given personalities to all three in this track, Hermóðr, Baldr and Hel herself. This project is unlike ANYTHING I have ever done so please go into it with an open mind. This track in particular is very "theatrical". The next track may not be anything like this song. This is why I am very excited about Æthyrien X. It's freedom. I can literally do anything without limitations. The only code I will follow is providing a fresh perspective on storytelling the Old Norse poetry. <3 I hope to release this track later today on my new channel: 🎵 Æthyrien X - Ferð Hermóðrs til Heljar (Hermóðr's Journey to Hel) 🔔 Sub to my channel: 🍺Hail Braggi!
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