If anyone is interested:
1 pint quick sriracha(no fermentation)

1lb red jalapeños
6 tablespoons brown sugar
2tsp salt
8 cloves garlic
1 1/3C water
One cup white vinegar
1Tbsp Fish sauce

Cut off tops of pepper put in blender with vinegar,fish sauce and garlic

Dissolve salt and brown sugar in a pot on the stove, once dissolved add to blender blend

Blend and strain through fine mesh strainer pushing all the juices out of the remaining pulp and seeds(I Strainded it into a bowl then strained a second time into a pot.)

Reduce till preferred consistency or if your impatient you can also whisk in a TBSP at a time of corn startch while reducing it to a boil to thicken and repeat until consistency you like if you do this method make sure you strain again to catch any corn starch that doesn't dissolve.

This is pretty similar to the old sriracha store bought before the recipe change and really spicy like it used to be as well.

If anyone is interested: 1 pint quick sriracha(no fermentation) 1lb red jalapeños 6 tablespoons brown sugar 2tsp salt 8 cloves garlic 1 1/3C water One cup white vinegar 1Tbsp Fish sauce Cut off tops of pepper put in blender with vinegar,fish sauce and garlic Dissolve salt and brown sugar in a pot on the stove, once dissolved add to blender blend Blend and strain through fine mesh strainer pushing all the juices out of the remaining pulp and seeds(I Strainded it into a bowl then strained a second time into a pot.) Reduce till preferred consistency or if your impatient you can also whisk in a TBSP at a time of corn startch while reducing it to a boil to thicken and repeat until consistency you like if you do this method make sure you strain again to catch any corn starch that doesn't dissolve. This is pretty similar to the old sriracha store bought before the recipe change and really spicy like it used to be as well.
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