• -Eskilstuna-coffin-
    Vreta kloster, Östergötland.

    They are called Eskilstuna-kistor because they were first discovered in the city of Eskilstuna..

    Eskiltuna coffin is a Swedish term for early Christian grave monuments found in Sweden. They appear as a Christian funerary custom during the 11th century.

    -Eskilstuna-coffin- 📍Vreta kloster, Östergötland. They are called Eskilstuna-kistor because they were first discovered in the city of Eskilstuna.. Eskiltuna coffin is a Swedish term for early Christian grave monuments found in Sweden. They appear as a Christian funerary custom during the 11th century. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8PN6xWNijf/
    0 0 486
  • text + link further down.

    Bevarandet av vår Tro och Kultur.

    I hjärtat av de nordiska länderna, där de snöklädda fjällen möter de vidsträckta skogarna och de djupa sjöarna, finner vi en rikedom av kulturell och jordnära arv. Det är här, bland de dramatiska landskapen och de uråldriga traditionerna, som Nordiska Asa-samfundet tar sin plats som en bevarare och stöttepelare för vår tro, vårt arv, vårt ursprung och våra traditioner.

    Asatro, eller tillbedjan av de nordiska gudarna och gudinnorna, är en tro som har rotat sig djupt i den nordiska kulturen och historien. Den sträcker sig tillbaka till forntiden då våra förfäder, med sitt djupa band till naturen och kosmos, fann förankring i en tro på krafter som Oden, Tor, Freja och alla de andra makterna. Denna tro har överlevt århundraden av förändringar och utmaningar och lever idag vidare genom Nordiska Asa-samfundet.

    Läs hela artikeln på:

    The Preservation of our Trú and Culture.

    In the heart of the Nordic countries, where the snow-covered mountains meet the vast forests and deep lakes, we find a wealth of cultural and earthly heritage. It is here, among the dramatic landscapes and ancient traditions, that the Nordic Asa-Community takes its place as a guardian and pillar of our trú, our heritage, our origins, and our traditions.

    Asatru, or the worship of the Norse gods and goddesses, is a belief deeply rooted in Nordic culture and history. It dates back to ancient times when our ancestors, with their deep connection to nature and the cosmos, found anchorage in a faith in powers such as Odin, Thor, Freyja, and all the other mighty beings. This belief has survived centuries of changes and challenges and lives on today through the Nordic Asa-Community.

    Read the full article at:
    🇬🇧 text + link further down. 🇸🇪 Bevarandet av vår Tro och Kultur. I hjärtat av de nordiska länderna, där de snöklädda fjällen möter de vidsträckta skogarna och de djupa sjöarna, finner vi en rikedom av kulturell och jordnära arv. Det är här, bland de dramatiska landskapen och de uråldriga traditionerna, som Nordiska Asa-samfundet tar sin plats som en bevarare och stöttepelare för vår tro, vårt arv, vårt ursprung och våra traditioner. Asatro, eller tillbedjan av de nordiska gudarna och gudinnorna, är en tro som har rotat sig djupt i den nordiska kulturen och historien. Den sträcker sig tillbaka till forntiden då våra förfäder, med sitt djupa band till naturen och kosmos, fann förankring i en tro på krafter som Oden, Tor, Freja och alla de andra makterna. Denna tro har överlevt århundraden av förändringar och utmaningar och lever idag vidare genom Nordiska Asa-samfundet. Läs hela artikeln på: https://asa-samfundet.se/bevarandet-av-var-tro-och-kultur/ 🇬🇧 The Preservation of our Trú and Culture. In the heart of the Nordic countries, where the snow-covered mountains meet the vast forests and deep lakes, we find a wealth of cultural and earthly heritage. It is here, among the dramatic landscapes and ancient traditions, that the Nordic Asa-Community takes its place as a guardian and pillar of our trú, our heritage, our origins, and our traditions. Asatru, or the worship of the Norse gods and goddesses, is a belief deeply rooted in Nordic culture and history. It dates back to ancient times when our ancestors, with their deep connection to nature and the cosmos, found anchorage in a faith in powers such as Odin, Thor, Freyja, and all the other mighty beings. This belief has survived centuries of changes and challenges and lives on today through the Nordic Asa-Community. Read the full article at: https://asa-samfundet.se/en/the-preservation-of-our-tru-and-culture/
    Bevarandet av vår Tro och Kultur
    Nordiska Asa-samfundet tar sin plats som en bevarare och stöttepelare för vår tro, vårt arv, vårt ursprung och våra traditioner.
    0 0 555
  • Just enjoyed a performance of Beowulf seated around an open fire in a reconstructed Saxon longhall, based on one discovered nearby at Cheddar, Somerse, Uk. It was performed by bard Lizzie Bryant in modern English in two acts. Managed to take some rather atmospheric photos with Venus and Saturn above the hall.
    Just enjoyed a performance of Beowulf seated around an open fire in a reconstructed Saxon longhall, based on one discovered nearby at Cheddar, Somerse, Uk. It was performed by bard Lizzie Bryant in modern English in two acts. Managed to take some rather atmospheric photos with Venus and Saturn above the hall.
    2 0 518
  • There aren't many spanish doom bands that I find interesting, but I'm glad I've discovered this one last week. Hope someone else enjoy it too.
    There aren't many spanish doom bands that I find interesting, but I'm glad I've discovered this one last week. Hope someone else enjoy it too. https://youtu.be/e-aG2PMa3lw?si=BS1CvRvRaIZ6pemG
    0 0 711
  • Smoked Ribs with our honey bulleit bourbon bbq, loaded southwestern potatoes with white cheddar,ham, onion, and hatch green chili's, and sautéed brussel sprouts covered in our jalapeno ranch sauce.
    Smoked Ribs with our honey bulleit bourbon bbq, loaded southwestern potatoes with white cheddar,ham, onion, and hatch green chili's, and sautéed brussel sprouts covered in our jalapeno ranch sauce.
    2 0 517
  • On the Viking trail. After Steepholm, (see earlier post) we then went on the trail of Ubba, (9th-century Viking and one of the commanders of the Great Heathen Army that invaded Anglo-Saxon England in the 860s). He has two potential burial spots one is near 'Bloody Corner' Bideford, Devon or on Lundy Island in the Bristol Channel. On Lundy two unusual graves were discovered and It has been suggested that they are the graves of Vikings, those owing to the discovery of possible Viking glass beads. A visitor to the island has also suggested that the remains are of Danish origin. After the battle of Kenwith Castle in 894 the raven standard was taken and (H)Ubba slain. It was Danish custom to remove their dead and Lundy was the nearest point
    On the Viking trail. After Steepholm, (see earlier post) we then went on the trail of Ubba, (9th-century Viking and one of the commanders of the Great Heathen Army that invaded Anglo-Saxon England in the 860s). He has two potential burial spots one is near 'Bloody Corner' Bideford, Devon or on Lundy Island in the Bristol Channel. On Lundy two unusual graves were discovered and It has been suggested that they are the graves of Vikings, those owing to the discovery of possible Viking glass beads. A visitor to the island has also suggested that the remains are of Danish origin. After the battle of Kenwith Castle in 894 the raven standard was taken and (H)Ubba slain. It was Danish custom to remove their dead and Lundy was the nearest point
    0 0 1191
  • text is further down in the post.

    3500 år gammalt gravröse skövlas – kulturarvet offras för Norrbotniabanan!

    Ett av våra äldsta och mest värdefulla fornminnen, ett 3500 år gammalt gravröse från bronsåldern i Junkboda utanför Skellefteå, ska nu brutalt förstöras för att ge plats åt den nya järnvägen Norrbotniabanan. Vid en förundersökning upptäcktes gravkammaren – ett utrymme stort nog för en människa, omslutet av massiva stenhällar och täckt av runda stenar, det klassiska kännetecknet för ett gravröse. Nu ska detta ovärderliga minnesmärke utplånas.

    Och detta är bara början. Gravröset är långt ifrån det enda offret för detta skoningslösa infrastrukturprojekt. Hundratals fornminnen har redan identifierats som hinder för bygget, och fler kommer att gå samma öde till mötes. Vår historia suddas ut, vårt kulturarv raderas – allt i effektiviseringens och exploateringens namn.

    Att medvetet utplåna vår historia och vårt kulturarv är inte bara en skam – det är en skandal! Vi har en skyldighet att skydda det som återstår av våra förfäders arv, inte jämna det med marken. Att offra våra forntida minnesmärken för modern expansion är en skymf mot både vår historia och framtida generationer.

    Stöd oss i arbetet för vårt nordiska arv, vår nordiska historia och vår ursprungliga tro - Asatro.
    Bli medlem på: https://forum.asa-samfundet.se/bli-medlem
    Hemsida: https://asa-samfundet.se/

    3,500-Year-Old Burial Cairn Destroyed – Cultural Heritage Sacrificed for the Norrbotnia Line!

    One of our oldest and most valuable ancient monuments, a 3,500-year-old Bronze Age burial cairn in Junkboda outside Skellefteå, is now set to be brutally destroyed to make way for the new Norrbotnia railway line. During a preliminary investigation, the burial chamber was discovered—a space large enough for a human, enclosed by massive stone slabs and covered with rounded stones, the classic hallmark of a burial cairn. Now, this invaluable monument is about to be erased.

    And this is just the beginning. The burial cairn is far from the only victim of this ruthless infrastructure project. Hundreds of ancient remains have already been identified as obstacles to construction, and more will meet the same fate. Our history is being erased, our cultural heritage obliterated—all in the name of efficiency and exploitation.

    Deliberately destroying our history and cultural heritage is not just a disgrace—it is a scandal! We have a duty to protect what remains of our ancestors’ legacy, not level it to the ground. Sacrificing our ancient monuments for modern expansion is an insult to both our history and future generations.

    Support us in our work for our Nordic heritage, our Nordic history and our origin faith - Asatru.
    Become a member at: https://forum.asa-samfundet.se/bli-medlem
    Website: https://asa-samfundet.se/en/
    🇬🇧 text is further down in the post. 3500 år gammalt gravröse skövlas – kulturarvet offras för Norrbotniabanan! Ett av våra äldsta och mest värdefulla fornminnen, ett 3500 år gammalt gravröse från bronsåldern i Junkboda utanför Skellefteå, ska nu brutalt förstöras för att ge plats åt den nya järnvägen Norrbotniabanan. Vid en förundersökning upptäcktes gravkammaren – ett utrymme stort nog för en människa, omslutet av massiva stenhällar och täckt av runda stenar, det klassiska kännetecknet för ett gravröse. Nu ska detta ovärderliga minnesmärke utplånas. Och detta är bara början. Gravröset är långt ifrån det enda offret för detta skoningslösa infrastrukturprojekt. Hundratals fornminnen har redan identifierats som hinder för bygget, och fler kommer att gå samma öde till mötes. Vår historia suddas ut, vårt kulturarv raderas – allt i effektiviseringens och exploateringens namn. Att medvetet utplåna vår historia och vårt kulturarv är inte bara en skam – det är en skandal! Vi har en skyldighet att skydda det som återstår av våra förfäders arv, inte jämna det med marken. Att offra våra forntida minnesmärken för modern expansion är en skymf mot både vår historia och framtida generationer. Stöd oss i arbetet för vårt nordiska arv, vår nordiska historia och vår ursprungliga tro - Asatro. Bli medlem på: https://forum.asa-samfundet.se/bli-medlem Hemsida: https://asa-samfundet.se/ 🇬🇧 3,500-Year-Old Burial Cairn Destroyed – Cultural Heritage Sacrificed for the Norrbotnia Line! One of our oldest and most valuable ancient monuments, a 3,500-year-old Bronze Age burial cairn in Junkboda outside Skellefteå, is now set to be brutally destroyed to make way for the new Norrbotnia railway line. During a preliminary investigation, the burial chamber was discovered—a space large enough for a human, enclosed by massive stone slabs and covered with rounded stones, the classic hallmark of a burial cairn. Now, this invaluable monument is about to be erased. And this is just the beginning. The burial cairn is far from the only victim of this ruthless infrastructure project. Hundreds of ancient remains have already been identified as obstacles to construction, and more will meet the same fate. Our history is being erased, our cultural heritage obliterated—all in the name of efficiency and exploitation. Deliberately destroying our history and cultural heritage is not just a disgrace—it is a scandal! We have a duty to protect what remains of our ancestors’ legacy, not level it to the ground. Sacrificing our ancient monuments for modern expansion is an insult to both our history and future generations. Support us in our work for our Nordic heritage, our Nordic history and our origin faith - Asatru. Become a member at: https://forum.asa-samfundet.se/bli-medlem Website: https://asa-samfundet.se/en/
    4 0 878
  • Wanted to make a light-hearted track, ended up adding some of Tanks vocals on it.
    New single Out Now
    FEAT Tom Tolman
    In this video

    Cover by @valhyr

    Thanks guys & Girls
    Wanted to make a light-hearted track, ended up adding some of Tanks vocals on it. 🎧 New single Out Now 🎧 🔥 𝐇𝐀𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑 🔥 FEAT Tom Tolman In this video
@thorrosland @ingvar 🎨 Cover by @valhyr 𝗢𝗨𝗧 𝗢𝗡 𝗔𝗟𝗟 𝗣𝗟𝗔𝗧𝗙𝗢𝗥𝗠𝗦 Thanks guys & Girls 💪
    1 0 701 77
  • Journey with me through the winter solstice alpenglow at my little abode in Interior Alaska. As this space nears completion, I look forward to opening its doors to others—a sanctuary dedicated to Freyja, where guests can rediscover their authentic selves and find renewed connection with Mother Nature.

    Nestled on five acres of boreal and mixed birch forest, the property borders the vast 1.8 million acre Tanana Valley State Forest on one side, with the breathtaking Tanana River just down the road on the other. This beautiful location has been incredibly transformative for me in the 9 months that I've spent here thus far, and I'm so excited to share more with you all as the journey progresses.

    Journey with me through the winter solstice alpenglow at my little abode in Interior Alaska. As this space nears completion, I look forward to opening its doors to others—a sanctuary dedicated to Freyja, where guests can rediscover their authentic selves and find renewed connection with Mother Nature. Nestled on five acres of boreal and mixed birch forest, the property borders the vast 1.8 million acre Tanana Valley State Forest on one side, with the breathtaking Tanana River just down the road on the other. This beautiful location has been incredibly transformative for me in the 9 months that I've spent here thus far, and I'm so excited to share more with you all as the journey progresses. #Alaska
    3 0 769 82
  • Someone please explain THIS to me. I looked up "Can I wear a sword in public?"
    "While open gun carry may be legal in some places, openly carrying a sword is generally not allowed because swords are perceived as more inherently threatening and likely to cause alarm in the public compared to a firearm, even when openly displayed; this is due to their historical association with violence and the difficulty in controlling a sword compared to a gun in a public setting".
    So walking down the street wearing a high capacity large caliber pistol is inherently safer than wearing an ULFBERHT? So a gun has less "historical association" with violence? WTF? The Focking NRA is indeed the most powerful group in the country.

    OK. So after a little more research I've discovered that here in Georgia...You can walk down a public street openly carrying the same weapon as a Russian soldier in combat in Ukraine while in California (The most liberal state in the country) you can walk around wearing a sword. Lucy...You got some splainin to do!
    Someone please explain THIS to me. I looked up "Can I wear a sword in public?" "While open gun carry may be legal in some places, openly carrying a sword is generally not allowed because swords are perceived as more inherently threatening and likely to cause alarm in the public compared to a firearm, even when openly displayed; this is due to their historical association with violence and the difficulty in controlling a sword compared to a gun in a public setting". So walking down the street wearing a high capacity large caliber pistol is inherently safer than wearing an ULFBERHT? So a gun has less "historical association" with violence? WTF? The Focking NRA is indeed the most powerful group in the country. OK. So after a little more research I've discovered that here in Georgia...You can walk down a public street openly carrying the same weapon as a Russian soldier in combat in Ukraine while in California (The most liberal state in the country) you can walk around wearing a sword. Lucy...You got some splainin to do!
    6 0 864
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