• text + link further down.

    Bevarandet av vår Tro och Kultur.

    I hjärtat av de nordiska länderna, där de snöklädda fjällen möter de vidsträckta skogarna och de djupa sjöarna, finner vi en rikedom av kulturell och jordnära arv. Det är här, bland de dramatiska landskapen och de uråldriga traditionerna, som Nordiska Asa-samfundet tar sin plats som en bevarare och stöttepelare för vår tro, vårt arv, vårt ursprung och våra traditioner.

    Asatro, eller tillbedjan av de nordiska gudarna och gudinnorna, är en tro som har rotat sig djupt i den nordiska kulturen och historien. Den sträcker sig tillbaka till forntiden då våra förfäder, med sitt djupa band till naturen och kosmos, fann förankring i en tro på krafter som Oden, Tor, Freja och alla de andra makterna. Denna tro har överlevt århundraden av förändringar och utmaningar och lever idag vidare genom Nordiska Asa-samfundet.

    Läs hela artikeln på:

    The Preservation of our Trú and Culture.

    In the heart of the Nordic countries, where the snow-covered mountains meet the vast forests and deep lakes, we find a wealth of cultural and earthly heritage. It is here, among the dramatic landscapes and ancient traditions, that the Nordic Asa-Community takes its place as a guardian and pillar of our trú, our heritage, our origins, and our traditions.

    Asatru, or the worship of the Norse gods and goddesses, is a belief deeply rooted in Nordic culture and history. It dates back to ancient times when our ancestors, with their deep connection to nature and the cosmos, found anchorage in a faith in powers such as Odin, Thor, Freyja, and all the other mighty beings. This belief has survived centuries of changes and challenges and lives on today through the Nordic Asa-Community.

    Read the full article at:
    πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ text + link further down. πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺ Bevarandet av vår Tro och Kultur. I hjärtat av de nordiska länderna, där de snöklädda fjällen möter de vidsträckta skogarna och de djupa sjöarna, finner vi en rikedom av kulturell och jordnära arv. Det är här, bland de dramatiska landskapen och de uråldriga traditionerna, som Nordiska Asa-samfundet tar sin plats som en bevarare och stöttepelare för vår tro, vårt arv, vårt ursprung och våra traditioner. Asatro, eller tillbedjan av de nordiska gudarna och gudinnorna, är en tro som har rotat sig djupt i den nordiska kulturen och historien. Den sträcker sig tillbaka till forntiden då våra förfäder, med sitt djupa band till naturen och kosmos, fann förankring i en tro på krafter som Oden, Tor, Freja och alla de andra makterna. Denna tro har överlevt århundraden av förändringar och utmaningar och lever idag vidare genom Nordiska Asa-samfundet. Läs hela artikeln på: https://asa-samfundet.se/bevarandet-av-var-tro-och-kultur/ πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ The Preservation of our Trú and Culture. In the heart of the Nordic countries, where the snow-covered mountains meet the vast forests and deep lakes, we find a wealth of cultural and earthly heritage. It is here, among the dramatic landscapes and ancient traditions, that the Nordic Asa-Community takes its place as a guardian and pillar of our trú, our heritage, our origins, and our traditions. Asatru, or the worship of the Norse gods and goddesses, is a belief deeply rooted in Nordic culture and history. It dates back to ancient times when our ancestors, with their deep connection to nature and the cosmos, found anchorage in a faith in powers such as Odin, Thor, Freyja, and all the other mighty beings. This belief has survived centuries of changes and challenges and lives on today through the Nordic Asa-Community. Read the full article at: https://asa-samfundet.se/en/the-preservation-of-our-tru-and-culture/
    Bevarandet av vår Tro och Kultur
    Nordiska Asa-samfundet tar sin plats som en bevarare och stöttepelare för vår tro, vårt arv, vårt ursprung och våra traditioner.
    0 0 516
  • Coming from a place of personal history and not as a moderator.
    Since here recently I have seen a lot of videos and talk of symbols that predate Nazi Germany. I will never discredit history and won't argue that yes symbols have been around far longer. But living an animistic lifestyle and honoring my ancestors here is my view on it. My great Grammy and her family moved to America after she lost her mom under the symbol. She had to raise her siblings and her dad drank himself to death. I grew up very close to my great Grammy and my Grammy and hearing her stories of how families were torn and broken and lives were lost I choose to not bring such an impactful symbol to my home. I have alters for my ancestors. I would view that as disrespect. We can not rewrite history no matter how hard we try. I am very well aware of history before and will not discredit that. But out of respect for those that came before me I will not personally bring hurt to my great Grammy trying to erase that part of her history for sake of an argument. So please keep in mind that everyone has their own thoughts on the matter.
    Coming from a place of personal history and not as a moderator. Since here recently I have seen a lot of videos and talk of symbols that predate Nazi Germany. I will never discredit history and won't argue that yes symbols have been around far longer. But living an animistic lifestyle and honoring my ancestors here is my view on it. My great Grammy and her family moved to America after she lost her mom under the symbol. She had to raise her siblings and her dad drank himself to death. I grew up very close to my great Grammy and my Grammy and hearing her stories of how families were torn and broken and lives were lost I choose to not bring such an impactful symbol to my home. I have alters for my ancestors. I would view that as disrespect. We can not rewrite history no matter how hard we try. I am very well aware of history before and will not discredit that. But out of respect for those that came before me I will not personally bring hurt to my great Grammy trying to erase that part of her history for sake of an argument. So please keep in mind that everyone has their own thoughts on the matter.
    4 0 550
  • text is further down in the post.

    3500 år gammalt gravröse skövlas – kulturarvet offras för Norrbotniabanan!

    Ett av våra äldsta och mest värdefulla fornminnen, ett 3500 år gammalt gravröse från bronsåldern i Junkboda utanför Skellefteå, ska nu brutalt förstöras för att ge plats åt den nya järnvägen Norrbotniabanan. Vid en förundersökning upptäcktes gravkammaren – ett utrymme stort nog för en människa, omslutet av massiva stenhällar och täckt av runda stenar, det klassiska kännetecknet för ett gravröse. Nu ska detta ovärderliga minnesmärke utplånas.

    Och detta är bara början. Gravröset är långt ifrån det enda offret för detta skoningslösa infrastrukturprojekt. Hundratals fornminnen har redan identifierats som hinder för bygget, och fler kommer att gå samma öde till mötes. Vår historia suddas ut, vårt kulturarv raderas – allt i effektiviseringens och exploateringens namn.

    Att medvetet utplåna vår historia och vårt kulturarv är inte bara en skam – det är en skandal! Vi har en skyldighet att skydda det som återstår av våra förfäders arv, inte jämna det med marken. Att offra våra forntida minnesmärken för modern expansion är en skymf mot både vår historia och framtida generationer.

    Stöd oss i arbetet för vårt nordiska arv, vår nordiska historia och vår ursprungliga tro - Asatro.
    Bli medlem på: https://forum.asa-samfundet.se/bli-medlem
    Hemsida: https://asa-samfundet.se/

    3,500-Year-Old Burial Cairn Destroyed – Cultural Heritage Sacrificed for the Norrbotnia Line!

    One of our oldest and most valuable ancient monuments, a 3,500-year-old Bronze Age burial cairn in Junkboda outside Skellefteå, is now set to be brutally destroyed to make way for the new Norrbotnia railway line. During a preliminary investigation, the burial chamber was discovered—a space large enough for a human, enclosed by massive stone slabs and covered with rounded stones, the classic hallmark of a burial cairn. Now, this invaluable monument is about to be erased.

    And this is just the beginning. The burial cairn is far from the only victim of this ruthless infrastructure project. Hundreds of ancient remains have already been identified as obstacles to construction, and more will meet the same fate. Our history is being erased, our cultural heritage obliterated—all in the name of efficiency and exploitation.

    Deliberately destroying our history and cultural heritage is not just a disgrace—it is a scandal! We have a duty to protect what remains of our ancestors’ legacy, not level it to the ground. Sacrificing our ancient monuments for modern expansion is an insult to both our history and future generations.

    Support us in our work for our Nordic heritage, our Nordic history and our origin faith - Asatru.
    Become a member at: https://forum.asa-samfundet.se/bli-medlem
    Website: https://asa-samfundet.se/en/
    πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ text is further down in the post. 3500 år gammalt gravröse skövlas – kulturarvet offras för Norrbotniabanan! Ett av våra äldsta och mest värdefulla fornminnen, ett 3500 år gammalt gravröse från bronsåldern i Junkboda utanför Skellefteå, ska nu brutalt förstöras för att ge plats åt den nya järnvägen Norrbotniabanan. Vid en förundersökning upptäcktes gravkammaren – ett utrymme stort nog för en människa, omslutet av massiva stenhällar och täckt av runda stenar, det klassiska kännetecknet för ett gravröse. Nu ska detta ovärderliga minnesmärke utplånas. Och detta är bara början. Gravröset är långt ifrån det enda offret för detta skoningslösa infrastrukturprojekt. Hundratals fornminnen har redan identifierats som hinder för bygget, och fler kommer att gå samma öde till mötes. Vår historia suddas ut, vårt kulturarv raderas – allt i effektiviseringens och exploateringens namn. Att medvetet utplåna vår historia och vårt kulturarv är inte bara en skam – det är en skandal! Vi har en skyldighet att skydda det som återstår av våra förfäders arv, inte jämna det med marken. Att offra våra forntida minnesmärken för modern expansion är en skymf mot både vår historia och framtida generationer. Stöd oss i arbetet för vårt nordiska arv, vår nordiska historia och vår ursprungliga tro - Asatro. Bli medlem på: https://forum.asa-samfundet.se/bli-medlem Hemsida: https://asa-samfundet.se/ πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ 3,500-Year-Old Burial Cairn Destroyed – Cultural Heritage Sacrificed for the Norrbotnia Line! One of our oldest and most valuable ancient monuments, a 3,500-year-old Bronze Age burial cairn in Junkboda outside Skellefteå, is now set to be brutally destroyed to make way for the new Norrbotnia railway line. During a preliminary investigation, the burial chamber was discovered—a space large enough for a human, enclosed by massive stone slabs and covered with rounded stones, the classic hallmark of a burial cairn. Now, this invaluable monument is about to be erased. And this is just the beginning. The burial cairn is far from the only victim of this ruthless infrastructure project. Hundreds of ancient remains have already been identified as obstacles to construction, and more will meet the same fate. Our history is being erased, our cultural heritage obliterated—all in the name of efficiency and exploitation. Deliberately destroying our history and cultural heritage is not just a disgrace—it is a scandal! We have a duty to protect what remains of our ancestors’ legacy, not level it to the ground. Sacrificing our ancient monuments for modern expansion is an insult to both our history and future generations. Support us in our work for our Nordic heritage, our Nordic history and our origin faith - Asatru. Become a member at: https://forum.asa-samfundet.se/bli-medlem Website: https://asa-samfundet.se/en/
    4 0 869
  • text + link further down.

    Utförda Blot 2025: Blotlag Sleipner höll Midvinterblot 12 Januari 2025.

    Söndagen den 12:e januari så höll Sleipner blotlag sitt midvintersblot.
    Årets blot hölls vid Eriksbergs hällristningar utanför Norrköping, Östergötland.
    En plats med väldigt lång historia där många olika spår kan hittas, tex hällristningar från många olika punkter i tiden.

    Läs mer på:

    Blóts performed 2025: Blót Kindred Sleipner held Midwinter Blót on January 12, 2025

    On Sunday, January 12, Blót Kindred Sleipner held theirs midwinter blót. This year’s blót was held at Eriksberg’s rock carvings outside Norrköping, Östergötland in Sweden.
    A place with a very long history where many different traces can be found, such as rock carvings from many different periods in time.

    Read more at:
    πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ text + link further down. πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺ Utförda Blot 2025: Blotlag Sleipner höll Midvinterblot 12 Januari 2025. Söndagen den 12:e januari så höll Sleipner blotlag sitt midvintersblot. Årets blot hölls vid Eriksbergs hällristningar utanför Norrköping, Östergötland. En plats med väldigt lång historia där många olika spår kan hittas, tex hällristningar från många olika punkter i tiden. Läs mer på: https://asa-samfundet.se/utforda-blot-2025-blotlag-sleipner-holl-midvinterblot-12-januari-2025/ πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ Blóts performed 2025: Blót Kindred Sleipner held Midwinter Blót on January 12, 2025 On Sunday, January 12, Blót Kindred Sleipner held theirs midwinter blót. This year’s blót was held at Eriksberg’s rock carvings outside Norrköping, Östergötland in Sweden. A place with a very long history where many different traces can be found, such as rock carvings from many different periods in time. Read more at: https://asa-samfundet.se/en/blots-performed-2025-blot-kindred-sleipner-held-midwinter-blot-on-january-12-2025/
    Utförda Blot 2025: Blotlag Sleipner höll Midvinterblot 12 Januari 2025
    Söndagen den 12:e januari så höll Sleipner blotlag sitt midvintersblot. Årets blot hölls vid Eriksbergs hällristningar utanför Norrköping, Östergötland.
    0 0 888
  • Hi everyone,
    I'm a landscape photographer (among other things) and passionate about Norse mythology and history.
    I have recently taken these pictures in my local forest after a cold and frosty night. I like to call them "Fimbulvetr" as described in the Ragnarökr from the Gylfaginning texts. Hope you enjoy them!
    Hi everyone, I'm a landscape photographer (among other things) and passionate about Norse mythology and history. I have recently taken these pictures in my local forest after a cold and frosty night. I like to call them "Fimbulvetr" as described in the Ragnarökr from the Gylfaginning texts. Hope you enjoy them!
    0 0 884
  • This is a repost as we get closer......

    Some history on the changing or standardizing of the Yule celebration.

    Hákon the Good (c. 920–961) was the son of Harald Fairhair, the first king of Norway, and was raised in England, where he converted to Christianity. When he became king of Norway, he sought to convert his people to Christianity as well, but this was met with resistance from the pagan Norse population. He worked to integrate Christian practices with traditional Norse customs to avoid conflict, which is where the idea of "moving" or adjusting the timing of Yule might come into play.

    Hákon the Good is known to have issued laws that required the Christian observance of certain Christian holidays, while also allowing Norse traditions to continue, including aspects of the Yule festival. One of his key moves was to decree that the feast of Yule should be celebrated at the same time as the Christian holiday of Christmas, which was closely tied to the Winter Solstice. This alignment helped to ease the transition for the Norse people, as they could continue celebrating at the same time as they had before, but now under a Christian framework.

    In this sense, while Hákon the Good didn't technically "move" the date of Yule (which already had Solstice associations), he helped standardize the timing of the celebration with the Christian observance of Christmas. His efforts contributed to the Christianization of the Yule festival, making it more in line with Christian customs while preserving key elements of the older pagan tradition.

    Dr. Andreas Nordberg: “The pre-Christian Yule feast occurs at the first full moon after the first new moon following the winter solstice, while the disting took place at the third full moon according to the same method of calculation.” (Jul, disting och förkyrklig tideräkning Kalendrar och kalendariska riter i det förkristna Norden Uppsala 2006, P.4)
    This is a repost as we get closer...... Some history on the changing or standardizing of the Yule celebration. Hákon the Good (c. 920–961) was the son of Harald Fairhair, the first king of Norway, and was raised in England, where he converted to Christianity. When he became king of Norway, he sought to convert his people to Christianity as well, but this was met with resistance from the pagan Norse population. He worked to integrate Christian practices with traditional Norse customs to avoid conflict, which is where the idea of "moving" or adjusting the timing of Yule might come into play. Hákon the Good is known to have issued laws that required the Christian observance of certain Christian holidays, while also allowing Norse traditions to continue, including aspects of the Yule festival. One of his key moves was to decree that the feast of Yule should be celebrated at the same time as the Christian holiday of Christmas, which was closely tied to the Winter Solstice. This alignment helped to ease the transition for the Norse people, as they could continue celebrating at the same time as they had before, but now under a Christian framework. In this sense, while Hákon the Good didn't technically "move" the date of Yule (which already had Solstice associations), he helped standardize the timing of the celebration with the Christian observance of Christmas. His efforts contributed to the Christianization of the Yule festival, making it more in line with Christian customs while preserving key elements of the older pagan tradition. Dr. Andreas Nordberg: “The pre-Christian Yule feast occurs at the first full moon after the first new moon following the winter solstice, while the disting took place at the third full moon according to the same method of calculation.” (Jul, disting och förkyrklig tideräkning Kalendrar och kalendariska riter i det förkristna Norden Uppsala 2006, P.4)
    1 0 1495
  • I highly recommend this book for anyone who is interested in Scandinavian/Norse history and culture. It received it during our Jolabokaflod and absolutley love it!
    I highly recommend this book for anyone who is interested in Scandinavian/Norse history and culture. It received it during our Jolabokaflod and absolutley love it!
    1 0 665
  • Just for fun, what's everyone's Genealogy?
    I myself have never done a DNA test, and I've thought about doing one to see what all pops up.
    However, I got a lot of family records, and of course my family living in different countries helps. As of now, my family is spread between 4 countries. Denmark, Sweden, Ireland and the United States. Though I've been told I have very distant family in Norway and Iceland.

    From my mom's side, from family and records, my family is of course Primarily Danish, and there's some North Germany in there, Swedish, and a little bit of Irish in there from certain family members.
    On my dad's side, it is Irish and Danish from my current living family. However based on last names, and down history we can find, we believe there's some Norman and Anglo-Saxon way down the line. But over the last 100 years in the family, Denmark and Ireland were places my family were around most, with some going back and forth from Sweden and Denmark, and my family that settled and stayed in Ireland on my mother's side. My dad's side had settled in Ireland quite a bit longer, with some of our records going back and forth from Ireland and Scandinavia for quite a while, with family from Denmark establishing themselves as early as 14th century if our records are correct.
    My dad was actually born and immigrated from Ireland which is kind of cool, because as much of a Dane as I am, since my mother's family immigrated from Denmark, I've always just known myself as a Danish American. I only met my dad in the last few years of my life and began learning all this information at least from his side of the family and it's pretty cool knowing and learning things about my family.
    All this information has made me want to get a DNA test and see what it says, and what I can piece together for a further back family tree. Though i may find out by blood im far less Danish than i think i am, which is a bit saddening lol, none the less, most of my family lives in Denmark, and I'll always stand by the good saying, Fuck Dig Jeg Er Dansker!
    Anyways show me some DNA tests and let's talk about some history!
    Just for fun, what's everyone's Genealogy? I myself have never done a DNA test, and I've thought about doing one to see what all pops up. However, I got a lot of family records, and of course my family living in different countries helps. As of now, my family is spread between 4 countries. Denmark, Sweden, Ireland and the United States. Though I've been told I have very distant family in Norway and Iceland. From my mom's side, from family and records, my family is of course Primarily Danish, and there's some North Germany in there, Swedish, and a little bit of Irish in there from certain family members. On my dad's side, it is Irish and Danish from my current living family. However based on last names, and down history we can find, we believe there's some Norman and Anglo-Saxon way down the line. But over the last 100 years in the family, Denmark and Ireland were places my family were around most, with some going back and forth from Sweden and Denmark, and my family that settled and stayed in Ireland on my mother's side. My dad's side had settled in Ireland quite a bit longer, with some of our records going back and forth from Ireland and Scandinavia for quite a while, with family from Denmark establishing themselves as early as 14th century if our records are correct. My dad was actually born and immigrated from Ireland which is kind of cool, because as much of a Dane as I am, since my mother's family immigrated from Denmark, I've always just known myself as a Danish American. I only met my dad in the last few years of my life and began learning all this information at least from his side of the family and it's pretty cool knowing and learning things about my family. All this information has made me want to get a DNA test and see what it says, and what I can piece together for a further back family tree. Though i may find out by blood im far less Danish than i think i am, which is a bit saddening lol, none the less, most of my family lives in Denmark, and I'll always stand by the good saying, Fuck Dig Jeg Er Dansker! 😁 Anyways show me some DNA tests and let's talk about some history!
    35 0 1659
  • A new DNA research.

    High-resolution genomic history of early medieval Europe.

    Many known and unknown historical events have remained below detection thresholds of genetic studies because subtle ancestry changes are challenging to reconstruct. Methods based on shared haplotypes1,2 and rare variants3,4 improve power but are not explicitly temporal and have not been possible to adopt in unbiased ancestry models. Here we develop Twigstats, an approach of time-stratified ancestry analysis that can improve statistical power by an order of magnitude by focusing on coalescences in recent times, while remaining unbiased by population-specific drift. We apply this framework to 1,556 available ancient whole genomes from Europe in the historical period. We are able to model individual-level ancestry using preceding genomes to provide high resolution. During the first half of the first millennium ce, we observe at least two different streams of Scandinavian-related ancestry expanding across western, central and eastern Europe. By contrast, during the second half of the first millennium ce, ancestry patterns suggest the regional disappearance or substantial admixture of these ancestries. In Scandinavia, we document a major ancestry influx by approximately 800 ce, when a large proportion of Viking Age individuals carried ancestry from groups related to central Europe not seen in individuals from the early Iron Age. Our findings suggest that time-stratified ancestry analysis can provide a higher-resolution lens for genetic history.

    A new DNA research. High-resolution genomic history of early medieval Europe. Many known and unknown historical events have remained below detection thresholds of genetic studies because subtle ancestry changes are challenging to reconstruct. Methods based on shared haplotypes1,2 and rare variants3,4 improve power but are not explicitly temporal and have not been possible to adopt in unbiased ancestry models. Here we develop Twigstats, an approach of time-stratified ancestry analysis that can improve statistical power by an order of magnitude by focusing on coalescences in recent times, while remaining unbiased by population-specific drift. We apply this framework to 1,556 available ancient whole genomes from Europe in the historical period. We are able to model individual-level ancestry using preceding genomes to provide high resolution. During the first half of the first millennium ce, we observe at least two different streams of Scandinavian-related ancestry expanding across western, central and eastern Europe. By contrast, during the second half of the first millennium ce, ancestry patterns suggest the regional disappearance or substantial admixture of these ancestries. In Scandinavia, we document a major ancestry influx by approximately 800 ce, when a large proportion of Viking Age individuals carried ancestry from groups related to central Europe not seen in individuals from the early Iron Age. Our findings suggest that time-stratified ancestry analysis can provide a higher-resolution lens for genetic history. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-08275-2
    0 0 842