• text + link further down.

    Utförda Blot 2025: Blotlag Sleipner höll Midvinterblot 12 Januari 2025.

    Söndagen den 12:e januari så höll Sleipner blotlag sitt midvintersblot.
    Årets blot hölls vid Eriksbergs hällristningar utanför Norrköping, Östergötland.
    En plats med väldigt lång historia där många olika spår kan hittas, tex hällristningar från många olika punkter i tiden.

    Läs mer på:

    Blóts performed 2025: Blót Kindred Sleipner held Midwinter Blót on January 12, 2025

    On Sunday, January 12, Blót Kindred Sleipner held theirs midwinter blót. This year’s blót was held at Eriksberg’s rock carvings outside Norrköping, Östergötland in Sweden.
    A place with a very long history where many different traces can be found, such as rock carvings from many different periods in time.

    Read more at:
    🇬🇧 text + link further down. 🇸🇪 Utförda Blot 2025: Blotlag Sleipner höll Midvinterblot 12 Januari 2025. Söndagen den 12:e januari så höll Sleipner blotlag sitt midvintersblot. Årets blot hölls vid Eriksbergs hällristningar utanför Norrköping, Östergötland. En plats med väldigt lång historia där många olika spår kan hittas, tex hällristningar från många olika punkter i tiden. Läs mer på: https://asa-samfundet.se/utforda-blot-2025-blotlag-sleipner-holl-midvinterblot-12-januari-2025/ 🇬🇧 Blóts performed 2025: Blót Kindred Sleipner held Midwinter Blót on January 12, 2025 On Sunday, January 12, Blót Kindred Sleipner held theirs midwinter blót. This year’s blót was held at Eriksberg’s rock carvings outside Norrköping, Östergötland in Sweden. A place with a very long history where many different traces can be found, such as rock carvings from many different periods in time. Read more at: https://asa-samfundet.se/en/blots-performed-2025-blot-kindred-sleipner-held-midwinter-blot-on-january-12-2025/
    Utförda Blot 2025: Blotlag Sleipner höll Midvinterblot 12 Januari 2025
    Söndagen den 12:e januari så höll Sleipner blotlag sitt midvintersblot. Årets blot hölls vid Eriksbergs hällristningar utanför Norrköping, Östergötland.
    0 0 287
  • text + link further down.

    Utförda Blot 2025: Blotlag Ymer höll Midvinterblot 11 Januari 2025.

    Ymer kallade till Midvinterblot den 11 januari. Det var en mörk och ganska blåsig kväll, men ändå otroligt vacker i skenet av fullmånen och lyktor i snön. Vi hann bara börja förbereda innan det blev uppslutning av deltagare, gamla som nya. Det var inte bara Uppsalabor, utan vissa hade åkt från Stockholm och Västerås, och andra hade åkt från Dalarna.

    Läs mer på:

    Blóts performed: Blót Kindred Ymer held Midwinter Blót on 11 January 2025.

    Ymer called for the Midwinter Blót on 11 January. It was a dark and rather windy evening, but still incredibly beautiful in the light of the full moon and lanterns in the snow. We only had time to start preparing before there was a turnout of participants, old and new. It was not only Uppsala residents, but some had travelled from Stockholm and Västerås, and others had travelled from Dalarna.

    Read more at:
    🇬🇧 text + link further down. 🇸🇪 Utförda Blot 2025: Blotlag Ymer höll Midvinterblot 11 Januari 2025. Ymer kallade till Midvinterblot den 11 januari. Det var en mörk och ganska blåsig kväll, men ändå otroligt vacker i skenet av fullmånen och lyktor i snön. Vi hann bara börja förbereda innan det blev uppslutning av deltagare, gamla som nya. Det var inte bara Uppsalabor, utan vissa hade åkt från Stockholm och Västerås, och andra hade åkt från Dalarna. Läs mer på: https://asa-samfundet.se/utforda-blot-2025-blotlag-ymer-holl-midvinterblot-11-januari-2025/ 🇬🇧 Blóts performed: Blót Kindred Ymer held Midwinter Blót on 11 January 2025. Ymer called for the Midwinter Blót on 11 January. It was a dark and rather windy evening, but still incredibly beautiful in the light of the full moon and lanterns in the snow. We only had time to start preparing before there was a turnout of participants, old and new. It was not only Uppsala residents, but some had travelled from Stockholm and Västerås, and others had travelled from Dalarna. Read more at: https://asa-samfundet.se/en/blots-performed-blot-kindred-ymer-held-midwinter-blot-on-11-january-2025/
    Utförda Blot 2025: Blotlag Ymer höll Midvinterblot 11 Januari 2025
    Ymer kallade till Midvinterblot den 11 januari. Det var en mörk och ganska blåsig kväll, men ändå otroligt vacker i skenet av fullmånen och lyktor i snön.
    1 0 442
  • Tomorrow is hokunótt and is the start of the pre-christian Yule!

    We would like to take the opportunity to thank you all and wish you a God Jul and a fantastic midwinter blót.

    Hail Freyr!
    Hail Jolnir!

    Tomorrow is hokunótt and is the start of the pre-christian Yule! We would like to take the opportunity to thank you all and wish you a God Jul and a fantastic midwinter blót. Hail Freyr! Hail Jolnir! 🇸🇪 https://asa-samfundet.se 🇬🇧 https://asa-samfundet.se/en/
    3 0 439
  • Here is an article we have written that deals with the pre-Christian Nordic lunisolar calendar that can be traced all the way back to the Stone Age.

    It is this calendar that we follow and it is these blóts that we perform.

    Have a nice weekend!
    Here is an article we have written that deals with the pre-Christian Nordic lunisolar calendar that can be traced all the way back to the Stone Age. It is this calendar that we follow and it is these blóts that we perform. Have a nice weekend!
    The Nordic Asa-community Blót Calendar.
    What kind of calendar is NAS/NAC based on?The Nordic Asa community’s holiday calendar follows the pre-Christian heathen lunisolar calendar which includes both lunar and solar cycles during the year unlike the Julian calendar and Gregorian calendar which are solar calendars. This kind of calendar was followed by most pre-Christians and can be traced back all the way to the Stone Age. The...
    2 0 417
  • Summer Blót 2024
    Song: Månegarm - Blot
    Summer Blót 2024 Song: Månegarm - Blot
    0 0 512 76
  • Carving some runes in the big logs in our sacred space for the Jól Blót coming up
    Carving some runes in the big logs in our sacred space for the Jól Blót coming up
    5 0 747

  • Come and celebrate the Summer Blót with the Nordiska Asa-samfundet (Nordic Asa-community).
    On Saturday, July 12, 2025 at 14:00, it is once again time to celebrate the summer with gods, goddesses and the beings of the place with a big blót at the Rök Runestone in Ödeshög, Sweden!

    The Summerblót is a time when hundreds of norse heathens from all over Sweden and other parts of Midgard gather in Rök, Ödeshög in Sweden and celebrate the summer around the original time of Midsummer with a big blót at the fantastic Rök Runestone.
    In addition to Saturday’s blót, various activities are organized throughout the day at our campsite located next to store Röks Lanthandel (Lanthandlar´n i Rök).
    The evening ends with a guild.
    More information about the various activities, camping and the guild check out the link below.

    The Summer Blót is a public event where everyone is welcome to attend regardless of membership in the Nordiska Asa-samfundet (Nordic Asa-community) or not.

    More info & booking:
    🇬🇧 Come and celebrate the Summer Blót with the Nordiska Asa-samfundet (Nordic Asa-community). On Saturday, July 12, 2025 at 14:00, it is once again time to celebrate the summer with gods, goddesses and the beings of the place with a big blót at the Rök Runestone in Ödeshög, Sweden! The Summerblót is a time when hundreds of norse heathens from all over Sweden and other parts of Midgard gather in Rök, Ödeshög in Sweden and celebrate the summer around the original time of Midsummer with a big blót at the fantastic Rök Runestone. In addition to Saturday’s blót, various activities are organized throughout the day at our campsite located next to store Röks Lanthandel (Lanthandlar´n i Rök). The evening ends with a guild. More information about the various activities, camping and the guild check out the link below. The Summer Blót is a public event where everyone is welcome to attend regardless of membership in the Nordiska Asa-samfundet (Nordic Asa-community) or not. More info & booking: https://asa-samfundet.se/en/events/summer-blot-2025/
    0 0 888
  • Although we only perform the 5 blóts mentioned in the sources we have access to, we have designed special seasonal rites that our blót kindreds can do if they wish.

    One of these rites is a winter solstice rite.
    The reason why we have done this is because the winter solstice was not a holiday when they held a blót, there is no evidence at all that they paid attention to the winter solstice in any way except for calendar purposes.
    But there are many of our members who want to pay attention to the winter solstice, so the blót kindreds has the opportunity to hold a winter solstice rite.

    This year, two of our blót kindreds have held this rite.
    Reports from these rites can be read on our website.

    Swedish text:

    English text:
    Although we only perform the 5 blóts mentioned in the sources we have access to, we have designed special seasonal rites that our blót kindreds can do if they wish. One of these rites is a winter solstice rite. The reason why we have done this is because the winter solstice was not a holiday when they held a blót, there is no evidence at all that they paid attention to the winter solstice in any way except for calendar purposes. But there are many of our members who want to pay attention to the winter solstice, so the blót kindreds has the opportunity to hold a winter solstice rite. This year, two of our blót kindreds have held this rite. Reports from these rites can be read on our website. Swedish text: https://asa-samfundet.se/category/utforda-riter/ English text: https://asa-samfundet.se/en/category/rites-performed/
    0 0 580
  • English below.

    I januari upprätthåller Nordiska Asa-samfundets blotlag seden att hålla Midvinterblot (julblot) vid sin ursprungliga tidpunkt.

    Dessa blot är öppna för alla att komma på.

    Mer information om när och vart hittar man på samfundets hemsida under Våra evenemang.

    Varmt välkomna till våra Midvinterblot.

    In January, the Nordic Asa-community's Blót Kindreds maintains the custom of holding Midwinter blót (yule blót) at its original time.
    These blóts are open to everyone to participate in

    More information about when and where can be found on the website under Our events.

    A warm welcome to our Midwinter Blóts.
    English below. I januari upprätthåller Nordiska Asa-samfundets blotlag seden att hålla Midvinterblot (julblot) vid sin ursprungliga tidpunkt. Dessa blot är öppna för alla att komma på. Mer information om när och vart hittar man på samfundets hemsida under Våra evenemang. https://asa-samfundet.se/evenemang/ Varmt välkomna till våra Midvinterblot. 🇬🇧 In January, the Nordic Asa-community's Blót Kindreds maintains the custom of holding Midwinter blót (yule blót) at its original time. These blóts are open to everyone to participate in More information about when and where can be found on the website under Our events. https://asa-samfundet.se/en/events-2/ A warm welcome to our Midwinter Blóts.
    1 0 582
  • Template for invitation to Álfablót gathering.
    Template for invitation to Álfablót gathering.
    0 0 423
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