For Thurseblot durning the first full moon of the year.

Hail to the ancient Jotnar,
Guardians of the wild and untamed,
I offer a feast of meat, eggs and honey mead from my land.
To honor your strength and wisdom.

Thor, son of Jord, who battles with might,
Loki, trickster of the frost,
Skadi, fierce goddess of the mountains,
I acknowledge your kin, the giants of old.

May this offering be a bridge
Between the realms of man and Jotunheim,
Bringing peace, understanding, and respect.
Hail to the Jotnar, ancient and enduring.

For Thurseblot durning the first full moon of the year. Hail to the ancient Jotnar, Guardians of the wild and untamed, I offer a feast of meat, eggs and honey mead from my land. To honor your strength and wisdom. Thor, son of Jord, who battles with might, Loki, trickster of the frost, Skadi, fierce goddess of the mountains, I acknowledge your kin, the giants of old. May this offering be a bridge Between the realms of man and Jotunheim, Bringing peace, understanding, and respect. Hail to the Jotnar, ancient and enduring.
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