Not sure who’ll see this but I need to share a dream that I need opinions on. I dreamt this female entity, very dark energy with maybe multiple eyes or with shifting face that made it look like multiple eyes, came to me and said give me your arm. I did but was a little scared. She then peed on it and scolded me to not ever do something ever again. I don’t know what that something is! Then she said you’re mine now forever. As she was leaving she was holding a little girl’s hand. She could have been my late daughter or me as a little girl. I couldn’t tell since we looked alike at that same age. I woke up and my first thought was the goddess Hel. I was a little scared but also felt awe and reverence for her. Does this sound like the Goddess Hel? I’m am new to Norse heathenry.

Not sure who’ll see this but I need to share a dream that I need opinions on. I dreamt this female entity, very dark energy with maybe multiple eyes or with shifting face that made it look like multiple eyes, came to me and said give me your arm. I did but was a little scared. She then peed on it and scolded me to not ever do something ever again. I don’t know what that something is! Then she said you’re mine now forever. As she was leaving she was holding a little girl’s hand. She could have been my late daughter or me as a little girl. I couldn’t tell since we looked alike at that same age. I woke up and my first thought was the goddess Hel. I was a little scared but also felt awe and reverence for her. Does this sound like the Goddess Hel? I’m am new to Norse heathenry.
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