What are songs about part 3

Wyrocznia (Oracle)

The song is about a divination held by a priest at Arkona temple. We have a very good description made by Saxo Grammaticus in his chronicle Gesta Danorum, so let's just quote it as it's the best description:

"[1] As well, this divinity had many temples in the vicinity, which were
run by other, almost equally, or less respected, priests. [2] More, a
special white horse had a [unique] status, whose hair from mane or
tail was considered impious to pull off. [3] Whom only the priest had
a right to ride to pasture, not using this divine animal [for anything
else], for if [such uses] were more common, he [the horse] would be
less valuable. [4] The Rugians believed that on this horse Svantovit
(such the statue was called) was assuredly waging a war against their
enemies. [5] The surest indication of this was seen after a night time,
when most of the standing [structures] and floor of the stable were
wet from the morning dew, like [the sweat] from exercise that comes
from a long trip, [in which the horse] would run a great distance.

[1] As well, divinations with the use of that horse were conducted in
such ways: when the undertaking of war against another province was
decided, before the temple an attendant would lay out an
arrangement of three spears, in which the ends of any two were
joined [together] to point to the land of interest, making sure that the
third equally crossed/divided the angle between the first two. [2] At
the time of a military expedition, the priest, speaking ceremonial
words and leading this horse through the court [before the temple]
on a long strap, decided whether the omen for waging a war was
favorable: if the [spear] arrangement laid out would be stepped over,
first by the right feet, then the left; if, even once, the left [foot] would
precede the right, the candidate province to be attacked would be
changed, and no ships would be sent in the original direction until a
favorable way of stepping over would be noticed three [times] in a
row. "


Święte konie Wieszcze boże
Los kopytem wskazać może
Droga włóczni ukazuje
Bogów łaskę nam daruje

Prawą nogą przestępuje
Dziś zwycięstwo nam daruje
Lewą nogą je przekracza
Zły to omen nas przytłacza


Holy horses divine prophets
Fate can indicate with its hoof
The path of the spear shows
Gives us grace from the gods

Steps over with his right foot
Today he gives us victory
He crosses it with his left foot
This bad omen overwhelms us
What are songs about part 3 Wyrocznia (Oracle) The song is about a divination held by a priest at Arkona temple. We have a very good description made by Saxo Grammaticus in his chronicle Gesta Danorum, so let's just quote it as it's the best description: "[1] As well, this divinity had many temples in the vicinity, which were run by other, almost equally, or less respected, priests. [2] More, a special white horse had a [unique] status, whose hair from mane or tail was considered impious to pull off. [3] Whom only the priest had a right to ride to pasture, not using this divine animal [for anything else], for if [such uses] were more common, he [the horse] would be less valuable. [4] The Rugians believed that on this horse Svantovit (such the statue was called) was assuredly waging a war against their enemies. [5] The surest indication of this was seen after a night time, when most of the standing [structures] and floor of the stable were wet from the morning dew, like [the sweat] from exercise that comes from a long trip, [in which the horse] would run a great distance. [1] As well, divinations with the use of that horse were conducted in such ways: when the undertaking of war against another province was decided, before the temple an attendant would lay out an arrangement of three spears, in which the ends of any two were joined [together] to point to the land of interest, making sure that the third equally crossed/divided the angle between the first two. [2] At the time of a military expedition, the priest, speaking ceremonial words and leading this horse through the court [before the temple] on a long strap, decided whether the omen for waging a war was favorable: if the [spear] arrangement laid out would be stepped over, first by the right feet, then the left; if, even once, the left [foot] would precede the right, the candidate province to be attacked would be changed, and no ships would be sent in the original direction until a favorable way of stepping over would be noticed three [times] in a row. " [PL] Święte konie Wieszcze boże Los kopytem wskazać może Droga włóczni ukazuje Bogów łaskę nam daruje Prawą nogą przestępuje Dziś zwycięstwo nam daruje Lewą nogą je przekracza Zły to omen nas przytłacza [ENG] Holy horses divine prophets Fate can indicate with its hoof The path of the spear shows Gives us grace from the gods Steps over with his right foot Today he gives us victory He crosses it with his left foot This bad omen overwhelms us
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