Today in Poland we celebrate Andrzejki (Day of the Andrew). Current name is obviously christian but the tradition is not. On this day young women make different divination practices to see if they will find a proper man and who might it be.
The most common and famous practice is a wax divination. You pour molten wax through a keyhole, into the water. Afterwards you cast shadow from the wax figure and try too see your future in the shadow. You can try it yourself at the end of our lyric video
Today in Poland we celebrate Andrzejki (Day of the Andrew). Current name is obviously christian but the tradition is not. On this day young women make different divination practices to see if they will find a proper man and who might it be. The most common and famous practice is a wax divination. You pour molten wax through a keyhole, into the water. Afterwards you cast shadow from the wax figure and try too see your future in the shadow. You can try it yourself at the end of our lyric video
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