...A difficult period is approaching, a period when Fire is against Fire, us against them. As soon as the white Aesir Heimdall, the son of Nine Mothers, blows his golden horn, Gjallarhorn, and until the days of Yule’s gathering of the volhvs, this battle will continue, and the strongest must win.
On the night of Yule, the right to punish the apostates and honor the heroes is sacred to the gods. The great cavalcade of horsemen rushes through the air, and the black dogs, heart-rendingly, proclaim its approach while choking on their own barking.
It is not only Odin and the gods of his pantheon who are involved in this race. Now you can see all those who have been betrayed by those they trusted. The gods, who have given people honors and knowledge, have given them protection and strength, on that night call to account those who not only failed to save and multiply the gifts of the gods, but also gave them away to the invaders voluntarily...

Ksenia Menshikova
...A difficult period is approaching, a period when Fire is against Fire, us against them. As soon as the white Aesir Heimdall, the son of Nine Mothers, blows his golden horn, Gjallarhorn, and until the days of Yule’s gathering of the volhvs, this battle will continue, and the strongest must win. On the night of Yule, the right to punish the apostates and honor the heroes is sacred to the gods. The great cavalcade of horsemen rushes through the air, and the black dogs, heart-rendingly, proclaim its approach while choking on their own barking. It is not only Odin and the gods of his pantheon who are involved in this race. Now you can see all those who have been betrayed by those they trusted. The gods, who have given people honors and knowledge, have given them protection and strength, on that night call to account those who not only failed to save and multiply the gifts of the gods, but also gave them away to the invaders voluntarily... Ksenia Menshikova
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