The community has voted!
Based on the community poll, the following rules for AI-generated content and bots have been established to ensure FolkRealms remains authentic and engaging:

1. No AI-Generated Images
AI-generated images are not allowed unless they are specifically related to music album covers or product images. Sharing links to content featuring AI-generated images is still permitted.

2. No Bots Allowed
To keep the platform genuine, bots are prohibited. We’ll be implementing a stricter signup process to ensure a human-only community, while also monitoring for automated bot posting.

Posting AI-generated content will not result in a ban from the website. However, such posts will be automatically or manually removed to maintain the community's authenticity.
The community has voted! Based on the community poll, the following rules for AI-generated content and bots have been established to ensure FolkRealms remains authentic and engaging: 1. No AI-Generated Images AI-generated images are not allowed unless they are specifically related to music album covers or product images. Sharing links to content featuring AI-generated images is still permitted. 2. No Bots Allowed To keep the platform genuine, bots are prohibited. We’ll be implementing a stricter signup process to ensure a human-only community, while also monitoring for automated bot posting. Posting AI-generated content will not result in a ban from the website. However, such posts will be automatically or manually removed to maintain the community's authenticity.
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