I did my Samhain ritual as I always do and it’s dedicated to Cernunnos. I then went on a walk in the woods. The trail I walked is a favorite of mine. I wandered across two deer. One ran off but the young male just watched me. I felt as if Cernunnos was acknowledging my ritual and offering I made him. It was very moving for me. Odd because I’ve never seen a deer on my walks there before.
I did my Samhain ritual as I always do and it’s dedicated to Cernunnos. I then went on a walk in the woods. The trail I walked is a favorite of mine. I wandered across two deer. One ran off but the young male just watched me. I felt as if Cernunnos was acknowledging my ritual and offering I made him. It was very moving for me. Odd because I’ve never seen a deer on my walks there before.
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