Musicians and music producers
Musicians and music producers
Group to talk about writing, playing and producing music.
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  • Hi all! I'm new to this, and not technically a musician, but I sing and I hear the beat and feel the rhythm of music in my soul. Recently, I began writing a novel inspired by my nordic ancestors and is a fictionalized memoir of the battle I'm fighting in life right now. This story has created a language that is similar to old norse, although not the same, as well as has shown me many gods and goddesses that are similar to the Viking gods and may live together with them, but likely is not from the same realm. The two main deities work together to create harmony and balance, often shown through music. I have ideas on the songs and the feel of the album, and I would love to know if anyone would like to collaborate with me on creating the music I hear in my mind! Or if anyone would like to discuss this with me - I believe the more I learn the more I will discover this is connected to old norse paganism.
    Hi all! I'm new to this, and not technically a musician, but I sing and I hear the beat and feel the rhythm of music in my soul. Recently, I began writing a novel inspired by my nordic ancestors and is a fictionalized memoir of the battle I'm fighting in life right now. This story has created a language that is similar to old norse, although not the same, as well as has shown me many gods and goddesses that are similar to the Viking gods and may live together with them, but likely is not from the same realm. The two main deities work together to create harmony and balance, often shown through music. I have ideas on the songs and the feel of the album, and I would love to know if anyone would like to collaborate with me on creating the music I hear in my mind! Or if anyone would like to discuss this with me - I believe the more I learn the more I will discover this is connected to old norse paganism.
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  • So, what are you guys doing and what got you into making pagan inspired music?
    to start: my musical origin is the industrial and dark ambient field (metal parts noise, analog synths pulses, such stuff) , but after taking a break for several years (life is wild sometimes) i wanted to express other parts of my esthetic preferences and feelings. Also it inspired me a lot to move from the city back to the country / rural area. So i started 2023 to record some stuff but found out it will take some more time to develop what i like to do, also i got "lost" into playing and building lyres this year and now replacing some keyboard tracks with the real thing :o) . So hopefully i will finish finally the little release i have started the coming months but here's a first glimpse from end of last year:
    So, what are you guys doing and what got you into making pagan inspired music? to start: my musical origin is the industrial and dark ambient field (metal parts noise, analog synths pulses, such stuff) , but after taking a break for several years (life is wild sometimes) i wanted to express other parts of my esthetic preferences and feelings. Also it inspired me a lot to move from the city back to the country / rural area. So i started 2023 to record some stuff but found out it will take some more time to develop what i like to do, also i got "lost" into playing and building lyres this year and now replacing some keyboard tracks with the real thing :o) . So hopefully i will finish finally the little release i have started the coming months but here's a first glimpse from end of last year:
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  • Well, let's see if some people like to talk about musician topics like playing, recording and producing pagan stuff an related music :)
    Well, let's see if some people like to talk about musician topics like playing, recording and producing pagan stuff an related music :)
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