• https://open.spotify.com/track/1v3PV3ScChPm81nR5Zv8zE?si=lknAHYF1Qjy-AZpRUT-TBw
    0 0 762
  • https://open.spotify.com/track/67M3SJ3sjHmPFQpfQrv143?si=ysST-agjTWqfpPcpFEp46g&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A2lWLwzPHx5TV7Y8tpoORQ0
    0 0 811
  • Just for fun, what's everyone's Genealogy?
    I myself have never done a DNA test, and I've thought about doing one to see what all pops up.
    However, I got a lot of family records, and of course my family living in different countries helps. As of now, my family is spread between 4 countries. Denmark, Sweden, Ireland and the United States. Though I've been told I have very distant family in Norway and Iceland.

    From my mom's side, from family and records, my family is of course Primarily Danish, and there's some North Germany in there, Swedish, and a little bit of Irish in there from certain family members.
    On my dad's side, it is Irish and Danish from my current living family. However based on last names, and down history we can find, we believe there's some Norman and Anglo-Saxon way down the line. But over the last 100 years in the family, Denmark and Ireland were places my family were around most, with some going back and forth from Sweden and Denmark, and my family that settled and stayed in Ireland on my mother's side. My dad's side had settled in Ireland quite a bit longer, with some of our records going back and forth from Ireland and Scandinavia for quite a while, with family from Denmark establishing themselves as early as 14th century if our records are correct.
    My dad was actually born and immigrated from Ireland which is kind of cool, because as much of a Dane as I am, since my mother's family immigrated from Denmark, I've always just known myself as a Danish American. I only met my dad in the last few years of my life and began learning all this information at least from his side of the family and it's pretty cool knowing and learning things about my family.
    All this information has made me want to get a DNA test and see what it says, and what I can piece together for a further back family tree. Though i may find out by blood im far less Danish than i think i am, which is a bit saddening lol, none the less, most of my family lives in Denmark, and I'll always stand by the good saying, Fuck Dig Jeg Er Dansker!
    Anyways show me some DNA tests and let's talk about some history!
    Just for fun, what's everyone's Genealogy? I myself have never done a DNA test, and I've thought about doing one to see what all pops up. However, I got a lot of family records, and of course my family living in different countries helps. As of now, my family is spread between 4 countries. Denmark, Sweden, Ireland and the United States. Though I've been told I have very distant family in Norway and Iceland. From my mom's side, from family and records, my family is of course Primarily Danish, and there's some North Germany in there, Swedish, and a little bit of Irish in there from certain family members. On my dad's side, it is Irish and Danish from my current living family. However based on last names, and down history we can find, we believe there's some Norman and Anglo-Saxon way down the line. But over the last 100 years in the family, Denmark and Ireland were places my family were around most, with some going back and forth from Sweden and Denmark, and my family that settled and stayed in Ireland on my mother's side. My dad's side had settled in Ireland quite a bit longer, with some of our records going back and forth from Ireland and Scandinavia for quite a while, with family from Denmark establishing themselves as early as 14th century if our records are correct. My dad was actually born and immigrated from Ireland which is kind of cool, because as much of a Dane as I am, since my mother's family immigrated from Denmark, I've always just known myself as a Danish American. I only met my dad in the last few years of my life and began learning all this information at least from his side of the family and it's pretty cool knowing and learning things about my family. All this information has made me want to get a DNA test and see what it says, and what I can piece together for a further back family tree. Though i may find out by blood im far less Danish than i think i am, which is a bit saddening lol, none the less, most of my family lives in Denmark, and I'll always stand by the good saying, Fuck Dig Jeg Er Dansker! 😁 Anyways show me some DNA tests and let's talk about some history!
    35 0 1791
  • Deine Ahnen blicken auf dich und dein Wirken. Der entwurzelte Mensch glaubt frei zu sein, da keine Grenzen oder Pflichten im Weg stehen. Man kann jedem Trieb nachgehen. Das ist jedoch keine Freiheit, das ist der freie Fall.

    In dir leben tausende von Generationen. Und wenn du an der Reihe bist das Erbe zu tragen, ist es deine Pflicht dieses Erbe vollständig weiter zu geben. Es ist Schutz vor Feindkräften, es ist geladen mit Energie, Wissen und Magie. Materie, Gene, Gefühle sind Wellen und können nicht verloren gehen. Es sei denn du entscheidest dich gegen deine Ahnen. Die daraus resultierende Stille wäre für diese Welt ein Verlust.
    Deine Ahnen blicken auf dich und dein Wirken. Der entwurzelte Mensch glaubt frei zu sein, da keine Grenzen oder Pflichten im Weg stehen. Man kann jedem Trieb nachgehen. Das ist jedoch keine Freiheit, das ist der freie Fall. In dir leben tausende von Generationen. Und wenn du an der Reihe bist das Erbe zu tragen, ist es deine Pflicht dieses Erbe vollständig weiter zu geben. Es ist Schutz vor Feindkräften, es ist geladen mit Energie, Wissen und Magie. Materie, Gene, Gefühle sind Wellen und können nicht verloren gehen. Es sei denn du entscheidest dich gegen deine Ahnen. Die daraus resultierende Stille wäre für diese Welt ein Verlust.
    1 1 1142
  • https://youtu.be/YPa1ohB1aJM?si=c5IAD92GcH6ExHJJ
    0 0 539
  • Gemeinschaft

    Wo einer denkt, entsteht ein kleiner Funke, wo tausend denken, wird daraus ein Licht!
    Ein Tröpfchen Wasser reicht noch nicht zum Trunke, und ein Erkenntniskorn genügt noch nicht.

    Erst wenn dasselbe viel Millionen fühlen, erst wenn uns allesamt ein Ding bewegt,
    Kann unser Handeln jenen Wert erzielen, der die Gewähr für beßre Zukunft trägt.

    Aus der Gemeinschaft muß Erlösung kommen, denn sie allein befruchtet unsern Geist, aus ihr hat mancher schon die Kraft genommen, die Mauern und Gebäude niederreißt.

    Wo einer schreitet, geht sein Schritt verloren, wo tausend schreiten, ist ihr Gang voll Wucht, drum haben wir uns unlösbar verschworen und fügen uns in Ordnung, Sinn und Zucht!

    Das Lied der Getreuen

    πŸŒ‰πŸŒ± πŸ”₯Gemeinschaft πŸ”₯🌱🏠 Wo einer denkt, entsteht ein kleiner Funke, wo tausend denken, wird daraus ein Licht! Ein Tröpfchen Wasser reicht noch nicht zum Trunke, und ein Erkenntniskorn genügt noch nicht. Erst wenn dasselbe viel Millionen fühlen, erst wenn uns allesamt ein Ding bewegt, Kann unser Handeln jenen Wert erzielen, der die Gewähr für beßre Zukunft trägt. Aus der Gemeinschaft muß Erlösung kommen, denn sie allein befruchtet unsern Geist, aus ihr hat mancher schon die Kraft genommen, die Mauern und Gebäude niederreißt. Wo einer schreitet, geht sein Schritt verloren, wo tausend schreiten, ist ihr Gang voll Wucht, drum haben wir uns unlösbar verschworen und fügen uns in Ordnung, Sinn und Zucht! ✍️ Das Lied der Getreuen πŸ“± t.me/deutschedichter πŸ“± t.me/HueterderIrminsul
    0 1 1121
  • Look at that cover, for the new upcoming album "Heljar Gátt" made by Kessi, the Fuimadane cover designer and a huge helping hand on the creation of the music. She did so well, once again πŸ›‘βš”πŸ—‘ I/we hope, that you guys will enjoy the new music on the album. The music distribution service is having a holiday break atm, so it's not sure that the album will be on Spotify & iTunes by the 10th of January, but it will be available on YouTube, Soundcloud & Bandcamp by the 10th :) Oh and it will also be a free download on Bandcamp Take care all you wonderful people !

    Look at that cover, for the new upcoming album "Heljar Gátt" made by Kessi, the Fuimadane cover designer and a huge helping hand on the creation of the music. She did so well, once again πŸ–€ πŸ›‘βš”πŸ—‘ I/we hope, that you guys will enjoy the new music on the album. The music distribution service is having a holiday break atm, so it's not sure that the album will be on Spotify & iTunes by the 10th of January, but it will be available on YouTube, Soundcloud & Bandcamp by the 10th :) Oh and it will also be a free download on Bandcamp πŸ–€ Take care all you wonderful people ! https://youtu.be/2PxQJIxA_9Y?si=VO4DIX6x0jN6u3sj
    2 0 1499