Mises à jour récentes
  • Teiws is another Gothic deity that has been recorded but not much is know about, we can easily see that the cognate to the Proto-Germanic Tīwaz, was later called Teiws in Gothic thus their similarities. Like Gautr before him Teiws might have also been the tribe's mythical, eponymous ancestor, possibly related to Týrfingr the mythical sword, 'the finger' of the god Týr. Teiws himself was known Among the Tervingi and their elites of the Balth dynasty who might have claim descents from Teiws himself which was stated by Jordanes in Getica.
    Teiws is another Gothic deity that has been recorded but not much is know about, we can easily see that the cognate to the Proto-Germanic Tīwaz, was later called Teiws in Gothic thus their similarities. Like Gautr before him Teiws might have also been the tribe's mythical, eponymous ancestor, possibly related to Týrfingr the mythical sword, 'the finger' of the god Týr. Teiws himself was known Among the Tervingi and their elites of the Balth dynasty who might have claim descents from Teiws himself which was stated by Jordanes in Getica.
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  • Gaut or Gapt is a Gothic deity often times associated with Odin however there aren’t any evidence of his appearance to be link to Odin we can make other inferences that can help establish the connection between the two deities. The gothic rune ansuz was later interpreted to ansic which was the original name for the ancestor for the Amali dynasty and perhaps the entire gothic tribe. Later on in centuries Gautr was used as another name for Odin himself.
    Gaut or Gapt is a Gothic deity often times associated with Odin however there aren’t any evidence of his appearance to be link to Odin we can make other inferences that can help establish the connection between the two deities. The gothic rune ansuz was later interpreted to ansic which was the original name for the ancestor for the Amali dynasty and perhaps the entire gothic tribe. Later on in centuries Gautr was used as another name for Odin himself.
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  • In my humble opinion the Germanic piety of the saxons on continental Europe resembles the most to the Gothic piety. We are somewhere aware of three known deities they might have worshipped, however by reconstructing along with continental Germanic deities we can form somewhat accurate parallels and deities with the Gothic deities.
    In my humble opinion the Germanic piety of the saxons on continental Europe resembles the most to the Gothic piety. We are somewhere aware of three known deities they might have worshipped, however by reconstructing along with continental Germanic deities we can form somewhat accurate parallels and deities with the Gothic deities.
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  • Tyrfingr is one of many magical swords within Norse tradition, the sword itself is associated and appears in the saga of the Goths the Tyrfingr Cycle. In the Poetic Edda called Hervararkviða, and the Hervarar saga the sword was wielded by Svafrlami who was king of the Gardariki to Hervör the daughter of Angantýr' who was a Gothic king that was said to fought against Huns in The Saga of Hervör and Heidrek.
    Tyrfingr is one of many magical swords within Norse tradition, the sword itself is associated and appears in the saga of the Goths the Tyrfingr Cycle. In the Poetic Edda called Hervararkviða, and the Hervarar saga the sword was wielded by Svafrlami who was king of the Gardariki to Hervör the daughter of Angantýr' who was a Gothic king that was said to fought against Huns in The Saga of Hervör and Heidrek.
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  • Brunhilda was a Visigothic Princess from Toledo, and a queen of Austrasia and part of Francia, by marriage to the Merovingian king Sigebert I of Austrasia. The story of Brynhild is also told in Norse tradition however she is depicted as a valkyrie who falls in love with the hero-dragon slayer Sigurd.
    Brunhilda was a Visigothic Princess from Toledo, and a queen of Austrasia and part of Francia, by marriage to the Merovingian king Sigebert I of Austrasia. The story of Brynhild is also told in Norse tradition however she is depicted as a valkyrie who falls in love with the hero-dragon slayer Sigurd.
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  • Berig was a legendary ancestral king of the goths and was the reason that the early Geats/Goths migrated to continental Europe. Being the founder of Gothiscandza (the Vistula Basin) it is also said he might’ve been a decent of Gaut who was a mythical ancestor or national god in the origin of the Geats/Goths.
    Berig was a legendary ancestral king of the goths and was the reason that the early Geats/Goths migrated to continental Europe. Being the founder of Gothiscandza (the Vistula Basin) it is also said he might’ve been a decent of Gaut who was a mythical ancestor or national god in the origin of the Geats/Goths.
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  • The word “Ergi” is an Old Norse word that translate to “unmanly” and its equivalent to modern times would be “Fag”. Often times Ergi is associated with males who practice in rune magic or Seiðr, which can give us an idea how Old Norse society view their men and women and their traditions and beliefs and costumes.
    The word “Ergi” is an Old Norse word that translate to “unmanly” and its equivalent to modern times would be “Fag”. Often times Ergi is associated with males who practice in rune magic or Seiðr, which can give us an idea how Old Norse society view their men and women and their traditions and beliefs and costumes.
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  • In the Getica source Ermanaric was a Greuthungian Gothic king who ruled in Oium which was part of Scythia, he was also part of the Amali dynasty who later settled in Italy. He is known for his battle against Huns in which later he offered himself as a sacrifice to ensure a victory against the Huns.
    In the Getica source Ermanaric was a Greuthungian Gothic king who ruled in Oium which was part of Scythia, he was also part of the Amali dynasty who later settled in Italy. He is known for his battle against Huns in which later he offered himself as a sacrifice to ensure a victory against the Huns.
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  • Atanaric was King of the Thervingian Goths and sometimes even considered the first king of the Visigoths who settled in the Iberia peninsula. He is often known for upholding the traditions of his people in a time where Christianity was on the rise, besides the civil war he is also known for battling the Huns.
    Atanaric was King of the Thervingian Goths and sometimes even considered the first king of the Visigoths who settled in the Iberia peninsula. He is often known for upholding the traditions of his people in a time where Christianity was on the rise, besides the civil war he is also known for battling the Huns.
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  • The epic poem of Beowulf is one of the oldest in Germanic heroic legends. Beowulf himself is a descendant of one of the Gothic tribes the Geats.
    The epic poem of Beowulf is one of the oldest in Germanic heroic legends. Beowulf himself is a descendant of one of the Gothic tribes the Geats.
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