• Hámundr and Ulfr raised this stone in memory of Hrólfr, their father; Eybjǫrg in memory of her husband. They owned the estate of Sleðabrú, Freysteinn and Hrólfr, þegns of strength.

    Runestone Sö 367
    Släbro, Nyköping

    Dated to somewhere between -
    ( Viking Age )

    Rune reading
    hamunr : ulfʀ raisþu : stain : þinsi : efti : hrulf : faþur : sin : ayburg : at : unir sin þaiʀ otu : by : slaiþa:bru + fraystain : hrulfʀ o^þru<toʀ> <þia>k<n>a

    Old West Norse
    Hámundr, Ulfr reistu stein þenna eptir Hrólf, fǫður sinn, Eybjǫrg at ver sinn. Þeir áttu bý Sleðabrú, Freysteinn, Hrólfr, þróttar þegnar.
    Hámundr and Ulfr raised this stone in memory of Hrólfr, their father; Eybjǫrg in memory of her husband. They owned the estate of Sleðabrú, Freysteinn and Hrólfr, þegns of strength. Runestone Sö 367 📍Släbro, Nyköping Dated to somewhere between - 980–1015 ( Viking Age ) Rune reading hamunr : ulfʀ raisþu : stain : þinsi : efti : hrulf : faþur : sin : ayburg : at : unir sin þaiʀ otu : by : slaiþa:bru + fraystain : hrulfʀ o^þru<toʀ> <þia>k<n>a Old West Norse Hámundr, Ulfr reistu stein þenna eptir Hrólf, fǫður sinn, Eybjǫrg at ver sinn. Þeir áttu bý Sleðabrú, Freysteinn, Hrólfr, þróttar þegnar.
    0 0 491
  • - Végautr raised these stones in memory of Þorgautr, his brother -

    Runestone Ög 197 -
    Dated to 980-1015 ( Viking Age )
    Mjölby, Sweden.

    Rune reading
    ⁑ uikutr ⁑ risþi ⁑ stina ⁑ þisi ⁑ ift(i)(ʀ) ⁑ [þu]rkut × bruþur ⁑ sin

    Old West Norse
    Végautr reisti steina þessa eptir Þorgaut, bróður sinn.

    - Végautr raised these stones in memory of Þorgautr, his brother - Runestone Ög 197 - Dated to 980-1015 ( Viking Age ) 📍 Mjölby, Sweden. Rune reading ⁑ uikutr ⁑ risþi ⁑ stina ⁑ þisi ⁑ ift(i)(ʀ) ⁑ [þu]rkut × bruþur ⁑ sin Old West Norse Végautr reisti steina þessa eptir Þorgaut, bróður sinn.
    0 0 478
  • text further down.

    En lördagshälsning i det fornnordiska versmåttet Málaháttr
    © Nordiska Asa-samfundet

    Vakna och res dig – Laugardagr randas!

    Stärk dina lemmar, skärp ditt sinne,
    låt ej tröghet tynga din hugr.

    Veckan är slut, verken fullbordade,
    nu föds ny kraft i reningens stund.
    Vattnet klarnar, viljan växer,
    styrkan dväljs i den som står fast.

    Hedra din ätt, hedra din hugr,
    hedra din kraft i gärning och ord.
    Styr dagen väl, låt den ej rinna,
    lev med ära och härska över dig själv!

    A Saturday greeting in the Old Norse meter Málaháttr.
    ©Nordiska Asa-samfundet (Nordic Asa-community)

    Wake and rise – the Laugardagr dawns!

    Strengthen your limbs, sharpen your mind,
    let not sluggishness weigh down your hugr.

    The week is done, the work is complete,
    now new power is born in the moment of cleansing.
    The waters clear, the will grows,
    strength dwells in the one who stands firm.

    Honor your kin, honor your hugr,
    honor your might in deed and word.
    Guide the day well, let it not slip away,
    live with honor and rule over yourself!
    🇬🇧 text further down. 🇸🇪 En lördagshälsning i det fornnordiska versmåttet Málaháttr © Nordiska Asa-samfundet Vakna och res dig – Laugardagr randas! Stärk dina lemmar, skärp ditt sinne, låt ej tröghet tynga din hugr. Veckan är slut, verken fullbordade, nu föds ny kraft i reningens stund. Vattnet klarnar, viljan växer, styrkan dväljs i den som står fast. Hedra din ätt, hedra din hugr, hedra din kraft i gärning och ord. Styr dagen väl, låt den ej rinna, lev med ära och härska över dig själv! 🇬🇧 A Saturday greeting in the Old Norse meter Málaháttr. ©Nordiska Asa-samfundet (Nordic Asa-community) Wake and rise – the Laugardagr dawns! Strengthen your limbs, sharpen your mind, let not sluggishness weigh down your hugr. The week is done, the work is complete, now new power is born in the moment of cleansing. The waters clear, the will grows, strength dwells in the one who stands firm. Honor your kin, honor your hugr, honor your might in deed and word. Guide the day well, let it not slip away, live with honor and rule over yourself!
    0 0 434
  • I had a very new friend die just now.

    I want to share with you all something vulnerable and personal. I hope it is ok with me sharing this. If anything, maybe this can shed some light on someone else struggling with this.

    This is going to be a long post, and I don't expect many to read it all the way through... or even fucking understand what I am trying to say. Trust me, I am used to people having no clue when I talk about this, including doctors and therapists. I think I just need to get some of this off my chest for now.

    He was a fan of mine for over 2 years and just realized recently the beard care products he was buying was made by the same dude, me. He reached out to me back in December with a long email and asked me what inspires me to my core. I sent him a long email back explaining that my "inspiration" is honestly more of a curse rather than blessing and explained how almost all my life I experience something called "Óðr" in Old Norse, translated to something like frenzied inspiration or divine madness, but there isn't really a proper word for it in English. For me though it is very vivid which leads to insomnia, mania and psychosis if I don't get what is in my head... out of my head. This happens with my music, my scents in my products and through my artwork. This resorts in me basically sacrificing everything in the pursuit of literally not going insane. (I can go more into this in another post, but for the time being let's just leave it here).

    He responded back in a very long email explaining to me that my email and my explanation of Óðr put into perspective his entire childhood and how he too suffers from something similar, but he must draw it from his mind. If he doesn't draw it exactly how it is in his head, he has to keep trying. He had tried to see doctors for it and they all labeled him having a form of OCD, but there was nothing else in his life that was even remotely related to OCD. My therapist thought I had a form of schizophrenia, but I doubt that.

    With everything I had said, for the first time he felt understood. For the first time, there was someone else out there that knew exactly what he dealt with. I mean, damn, for the first time I felt someone else finally understood what the fuck I have to deal with. For him though, it got so serious in his head this led to attempted suicide twice not being able to get this out of his head in time. Through these conversations and vulnerabilities shared, a bond was made unique to anything I have ever experienced. It was a bond that felt spiritual.

    Fast forward to about a week ago, he told me he was losing weight rapidly and went to the doctor and got the blood tests back and they found out he had pancreatic cancer. The doctor told him that he doesn't have much time and needed to get his things in order for his family because surgery/chemo is not possible. It was too late.

    He died a few hours ago. The thing that fucks me up the most is that it was my music that made him feel at ease when dealing with Óðr for the past 2 years without even knowing it was because of Óðr I wrote those very songs, and it was my music that has been playing nonstop for the last 2 days now easing him into the abyss next to his wife and children. According to his wife, it will be my music at his wake/funeral.

    I just want you all to know I read every one of your comments. I read every one of your private messages and try to respond to everything I can. I grew a very unique bond with this man when realizing that we struggle through the same mental state that is so unknown and undiagnosed. The number of messages I receive from you all about how my music affects you on a very unique and deep level... I see you. I cherish you. <3

    I had a song called Hel's Embrace I planned on releasing when I released the full Helsa's Saga. Hel's Embrace is the 6th chapter to that saga. I will be dedicating the track in memory of him and plan on releasing it soon instead.

    Rest in peace, brother.

    "Kven skal synge meg
    i daudsvevna slynge meg...
    ...Du er løyst frå banda som batt deg" - Einar Selvik
    I had a very new friend die just now. I want to share with you all something vulnerable and personal. I hope it is ok with me sharing this. If anything, maybe this can shed some light on someone else struggling with this. This is going to be a long post, and I don't expect many to read it all the way through... or even fucking understand what I am trying to say. Trust me, I am used to people having no clue when I talk about this, including doctors and therapists. I think I just need to get some of this off my chest for now. He was a fan of mine for over 2 years and just realized recently the beard care products he was buying was made by the same dude, me. He reached out to me back in December with a long email and asked me what inspires me to my core. I sent him a long email back explaining that my "inspiration" is honestly more of a curse rather than blessing and explained how almost all my life I experience something called "Óðr" in Old Norse, translated to something like frenzied inspiration or divine madness, but there isn't really a proper word for it in English. For me though it is very vivid which leads to insomnia, mania and psychosis if I don't get what is in my head... out of my head. This happens with my music, my scents in my products and through my artwork. This resorts in me basically sacrificing everything in the pursuit of literally not going insane. (I can go more into this in another post, but for the time being let's just leave it here). He responded back in a very long email explaining to me that my email and my explanation of Óðr put into perspective his entire childhood and how he too suffers from something similar, but he must draw it from his mind. If he doesn't draw it exactly how it is in his head, he has to keep trying. He had tried to see doctors for it and they all labeled him having a form of OCD, but there was nothing else in his life that was even remotely related to OCD. My therapist thought I had a form of schizophrenia, but I doubt that. With everything I had said, for the first time he felt understood. For the first time, there was someone else out there that knew exactly what he dealt with. I mean, damn, for the first time I felt someone else finally understood what the fuck I have to deal with. For him though, it got so serious in his head this led to attempted suicide twice not being able to get this out of his head in time. Through these conversations and vulnerabilities shared, a bond was made unique to anything I have ever experienced. It was a bond that felt spiritual. Fast forward to about a week ago, he told me he was losing weight rapidly and went to the doctor and got the blood tests back and they found out he had pancreatic cancer. The doctor told him that he doesn't have much time and needed to get his things in order for his family because surgery/chemo is not possible. It was too late. He died a few hours ago. The thing that fucks me up the most is that it was my music that made him feel at ease when dealing with Óðr for the past 2 years without even knowing it was because of Óðr I wrote those very songs, and it was my music that has been playing nonstop for the last 2 days now easing him into the abyss next to his wife and children. According to his wife, it will be my music at his wake/funeral. I just want you all to know I read every one of your comments. I read every one of your private messages and try to respond to everything I can. I grew a very unique bond with this man when realizing that we struggle through the same mental state that is so unknown and undiagnosed. The number of messages I receive from you all about how my music affects you on a very unique and deep level... I see you. I cherish you. <3 I had a song called Hel's Embrace I planned on releasing when I released the full Helsa's Saga. Hel's Embrace is the 6th chapter to that saga. I will be dedicating the track in memory of him and plan on releasing it soon instead. Rest in peace, brother. 🍻 "Kven skal synge meg i daudsvevna slynge meg... ...Du er løyst frå banda som batt deg" - Einar Selvik
    15 0 576
  • text + link further down.

    Bevarandet av vår Tro och Kultur.

    I hjärtat av de nordiska länderna, där de snöklädda fjällen möter de vidsträckta skogarna och de djupa sjöarna, finner vi en rikedom av kulturell och jordnära arv. Det är här, bland de dramatiska landskapen och de uråldriga traditionerna, som Nordiska Asa-samfundet tar sin plats som en bevarare och stöttepelare för vår tro, vårt arv, vårt ursprung och våra traditioner.

    Asatro, eller tillbedjan av de nordiska gudarna och gudinnorna, är en tro som har rotat sig djupt i den nordiska kulturen och historien. Den sträcker sig tillbaka till forntiden då våra förfäder, med sitt djupa band till naturen och kosmos, fann förankring i en tro på krafter som Oden, Tor, Freja och alla de andra makterna. Denna tro har överlevt århundraden av förändringar och utmaningar och lever idag vidare genom Nordiska Asa-samfundet.

    Läs hela artikeln på:

    The Preservation of our Trú and Culture.

    In the heart of the Nordic countries, where the snow-covered mountains meet the vast forests and deep lakes, we find a wealth of cultural and earthly heritage. It is here, among the dramatic landscapes and ancient traditions, that the Nordic Asa-Community takes its place as a guardian and pillar of our trú, our heritage, our origins, and our traditions.

    Asatru, or the worship of the Norse gods and goddesses, is a belief deeply rooted in Nordic culture and history. It dates back to ancient times when our ancestors, with their deep connection to nature and the cosmos, found anchorage in a faith in powers such as Odin, Thor, Freyja, and all the other mighty beings. This belief has survived centuries of changes and challenges and lives on today through the Nordic Asa-Community.

    Read the full article at:
    🇬🇧 text + link further down. 🇸🇪 Bevarandet av vår Tro och Kultur. I hjärtat av de nordiska länderna, där de snöklädda fjällen möter de vidsträckta skogarna och de djupa sjöarna, finner vi en rikedom av kulturell och jordnära arv. Det är här, bland de dramatiska landskapen och de uråldriga traditionerna, som Nordiska Asa-samfundet tar sin plats som en bevarare och stöttepelare för vår tro, vårt arv, vårt ursprung och våra traditioner. Asatro, eller tillbedjan av de nordiska gudarna och gudinnorna, är en tro som har rotat sig djupt i den nordiska kulturen och historien. Den sträcker sig tillbaka till forntiden då våra förfäder, med sitt djupa band till naturen och kosmos, fann förankring i en tro på krafter som Oden, Tor, Freja och alla de andra makterna. Denna tro har överlevt århundraden av förändringar och utmaningar och lever idag vidare genom Nordiska Asa-samfundet. Läs hela artikeln på: https://asa-samfundet.se/bevarandet-av-var-tro-och-kultur/ 🇬🇧 The Preservation of our Trú and Culture. In the heart of the Nordic countries, where the snow-covered mountains meet the vast forests and deep lakes, we find a wealth of cultural and earthly heritage. It is here, among the dramatic landscapes and ancient traditions, that the Nordic Asa-Community takes its place as a guardian and pillar of our trú, our heritage, our origins, and our traditions. Asatru, or the worship of the Norse gods and goddesses, is a belief deeply rooted in Nordic culture and history. It dates back to ancient times when our ancestors, with their deep connection to nature and the cosmos, found anchorage in a faith in powers such as Odin, Thor, Freyja, and all the other mighty beings. This belief has survived centuries of changes and challenges and lives on today through the Nordic Asa-Community. Read the full article at: https://asa-samfundet.se/en/the-preservation-of-our-tru-and-culture/
    Bevarandet av vår Tro och Kultur
    Nordiska Asa-samfundet tar sin plats som en bevarare och stöttepelare för vår tro, vårt arv, vårt ursprung och våra traditioner.
    0 0 537
  • Troth and Seidr.
    Troth, from Old Norse, means loyalty and is tied to the path of service. It signifies loyalty to the gods, tradition, and most importantly, to truth. The path of service, originally linked to priesthood, wasn’t just a religious function—it also involved being a law-speaker and ruler. A priest had the responsibility to guide human coexistence, shaping the future by upholding truth and guiding others toward correct behavior and thinking.
    Over time, the path of service became known as the "light path," representing its focus on working with people and communities, fostering harmony and truth.
    Ksenia Menshikova
    Troth and Seidr. Troth, from Old Norse, means loyalty and is tied to the path of service. It signifies loyalty to the gods, tradition, and most importantly, to truth. The path of service, originally linked to priesthood, wasn’t just a religious function—it also involved being a law-speaker and ruler. A priest had the responsibility to guide human coexistence, shaping the future by upholding truth and guiding others toward correct behavior and thinking. Over time, the path of service became known as the "light path," representing its focus on working with people and communities, fostering harmony and truth. Ksenia Menshikova
    0 0 445
  • Hello guys, I am new here pretty stoked to find such a cool community in one of my favorite cultures was hoping to do some research on Viking mythology and Norse Magic, not from the Wikipedia/Google BS but rather from a valid source. Would anyone help me with that ?
    Hello guys, I am new here 😀 pretty stoked to find such a cool community in one of my favorite cultures ♥️ was hoping to do some research on Viking mythology and Norse Magic, not from the Wikipedia/Google BS but rather from a valid source. Would anyone help me with that ?
    5 0 616
  • Place names in Britain named after Thor/Thunor:


    1. Thundersley (Essex) – Thunres lēah ("Thunor's clearing").

    2. Thunderfield (Surrey) – Thunres feld ("Thunor's field").

    3. Thurleigh (Bedfordshire) – Thunor’s leah ("Thunor’s clearing").

    4. Thurlow (Suffolk) – Thurlawe ("Thunor's hill").

    5. Thurcroft (South Yorkshire) – Possibly Thunor's croft ("Thunor’s enclosed land").

    6. Thurgrill (Derbyshire) – Possibly derived from Thunor.

    7. Thurgarton (Nottinghamshire & Norfolk) – From Old Norse Þórgarðr ("Thor’s farmstead").

    8. Thurlaston (Leicestershire & Warwickshire) – Possibly from Þór-lāh-stūn ("Thor’s stone settlement").

    9. Thurning (Norfolk & Huntingdonshire) – Derived from Thunor or Old Norse Þór + ing (people of Thor).

    10. Thurvaston (Derbyshire) – May derive from "Thor’s settlement."

    11. Thurston (Suffolk) – Possibly Thur's tūn ("Thor’s farm or settlement").

    12. Thorley (Hertfordshire & Isle of Wight) – Þór-lēah ("Thor’s clearing").

    13. Thorngumbald (East Yorkshire) – "Thor’s village," combined with a later personal name.

    14. Thornton (Many locations: Lancashire, Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, etc.) – "Thor’s farm or enclosure."

    15. Thorpe (Many locations: Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire, etc.) – From Old Norse Þorp ("Thor’s village or hamlet").

    16. Thurton (Norfolk) – "Thor’s town."


    17. Thurso (Caithness) – Þórs-á ("Thor’s river").

    18. Thornton (Fife, Angus, Lanarkshire) – "Thor’s farmstead."

    19. Thornhill (Stirling & Dumfries) – May contain a reference to Thor.

    20. Torwood (Stirlingshire) – Possibly linked to Thor, though uncertain.


    21. Torne (River Torne, South Yorkshire & Lincolnshire) – Possibly related to Thor
    Place names in Britain named after Thor/Thunor: England 1. Thundersley (Essex) – Thunres lēah ("Thunor's clearing"). 2. Thunderfield (Surrey) – Thunres feld ("Thunor's field"). 3. Thurleigh (Bedfordshire) – Thunor’s leah ("Thunor’s clearing"). 4. Thurlow (Suffolk) – Thurlawe ("Thunor's hill"). 5. Thurcroft (South Yorkshire) – Possibly Thunor's croft ("Thunor’s enclosed land"). 6. Thurgrill (Derbyshire) – Possibly derived from Thunor. 7. Thurgarton (Nottinghamshire & Norfolk) – From Old Norse Þórgarðr ("Thor’s farmstead"). 8. Thurlaston (Leicestershire & Warwickshire) – Possibly from Þór-lāh-stūn ("Thor’s stone settlement"). 9. Thurning (Norfolk & Huntingdonshire) – Derived from Thunor or Old Norse Þór + ing (people of Thor). 10. Thurvaston (Derbyshire) – May derive from "Thor’s settlement." 11. Thurston (Suffolk) – Possibly Thur's tūn ("Thor’s farm or settlement"). 12. Thorley (Hertfordshire & Isle of Wight) – Þór-lēah ("Thor’s clearing"). 13. Thorngumbald (East Yorkshire) – "Thor’s village," combined with a later personal name. 14. Thornton (Many locations: Lancashire, Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, etc.) – "Thor’s farm or enclosure." 15. Thorpe (Many locations: Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire, etc.) – From Old Norse Þorp ("Thor’s village or hamlet"). 16. Thurton (Norfolk) – "Thor’s town." Scotland 17. Thurso (Caithness) – Þórs-á ("Thor’s river"). 18. Thornton (Fife, Angus, Lanarkshire) – "Thor’s farmstead." 19. Thornhill (Stirling & Dumfries) – May contain a reference to Thor. 20. Torwood (Stirlingshire) – Possibly linked to Thor, though uncertain. Wales 21. Torne (River Torne, South Yorkshire & Lincolnshire) – Possibly related to Thor
    0 0 657
  • Some premium quality artisan Norse Pagan Jewelers I wanted to share around.
    Some premium quality artisan Norse Pagan Jewelers I wanted to share around.
    0 0 536
  • https://www.norseforgejewellery.com/?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAaYPdduxjJj8swywVB6d14Z59YuZNK4y_UuPunkUrzUtgUq3xEVD4js89cs_aem_jMrVhwVaEi6uq2tS51OEQA
    Norse forge Jewellery Handcrafted Viking & Norse-Inspired Designs
    Discover Norse forge, where every piece of handcrafted jewellery is inspired by Viking legends and Norse culture. From custom arm rings to intricate bracelets, each design is made-to-order with precision, passion, and authenticity.
    0 0 448
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