• text is further down in the post.

    3500 år gammalt gravröse skövlas – kulturarvet offras för Norrbotniabanan!

    Ett av våra äldsta och mest värdefulla fornminnen, ett 3500 år gammalt gravröse från bronsåldern i Junkboda utanför Skellefteå, ska nu brutalt förstöras för att ge plats åt den nya järnvägen Norrbotniabanan. Vid en förundersökning upptäcktes gravkammaren – ett utrymme stort nog för en människa, omslutet av massiva stenhällar och täckt av runda stenar, det klassiska kännetecknet för ett gravröse. Nu ska detta ovärderliga minnesmärke utplånas.

    Och detta är bara början. Gravröset är långt ifrån det enda offret för detta skoningslösa infrastrukturprojekt. Hundratals fornminnen har redan identifierats som hinder för bygget, och fler kommer att gå samma öde till mötes. Vår historia suddas ut, vårt kulturarv raderas – allt i effektiviseringens och exploateringens namn.

    Att medvetet utplåna vår historia och vårt kulturarv är inte bara en skam – det är en skandal! Vi har en skyldighet att skydda det som återstår av våra förfäders arv, inte jämna det med marken. Att offra våra forntida minnesmärken för modern expansion är en skymf mot både vår historia och framtida generationer.

    Stöd oss i arbetet för vårt nordiska arv, vår nordiska historia och vår ursprungliga tro - Asatro.
    Bli medlem på: https://forum.asa-samfundet.se/bli-medlem
    Hemsida: https://asa-samfundet.se/

    3,500-Year-Old Burial Cairn Destroyed – Cultural Heritage Sacrificed for the Norrbotnia Line!

    One of our oldest and most valuable ancient monuments, a 3,500-year-old Bronze Age burial cairn in Junkboda outside Skellefteå, is now set to be brutally destroyed to make way for the new Norrbotnia railway line. During a preliminary investigation, the burial chamber was discovered—a space large enough for a human, enclosed by massive stone slabs and covered with rounded stones, the classic hallmark of a burial cairn. Now, this invaluable monument is about to be erased.

    And this is just the beginning. The burial cairn is far from the only victim of this ruthless infrastructure project. Hundreds of ancient remains have already been identified as obstacles to construction, and more will meet the same fate. Our history is being erased, our cultural heritage obliterated—all in the name of efficiency and exploitation.

    Deliberately destroying our history and cultural heritage is not just a disgrace—it is a scandal! We have a duty to protect what remains of our ancestors’ legacy, not level it to the ground. Sacrificing our ancient monuments for modern expansion is an insult to both our history and future generations.

    Support us in our work for our Nordic heritage, our Nordic history and our original faith - Asatru.
    Become a member at: https://forum.asa-samfundet.se/bli-medlem
    Website: https://asa-samfundet.se/en/
    🇬🇧 text is further down in the post. 3500 år gammalt gravröse skövlas – kulturarvet offras för Norrbotniabanan! Ett av våra äldsta och mest värdefulla fornminnen, ett 3500 år gammalt gravröse från bronsåldern i Junkboda utanför Skellefteå, ska nu brutalt förstöras för att ge plats åt den nya järnvägen Norrbotniabanan. Vid en förundersökning upptäcktes gravkammaren – ett utrymme stort nog för en människa, omslutet av massiva stenhällar och täckt av runda stenar, det klassiska kännetecknet för ett gravröse. Nu ska detta ovärderliga minnesmärke utplånas. Och detta är bara början. Gravröset är långt ifrån det enda offret för detta skoningslösa infrastrukturprojekt. Hundratals fornminnen har redan identifierats som hinder för bygget, och fler kommer att gå samma öde till mötes. Vår historia suddas ut, vårt kulturarv raderas – allt i effektiviseringens och exploateringens namn. Att medvetet utplåna vår historia och vårt kulturarv är inte bara en skam – det är en skandal! Vi har en skyldighet att skydda det som återstår av våra förfäders arv, inte jämna det med marken. Att offra våra forntida minnesmärken för modern expansion är en skymf mot både vår historia och framtida generationer. Stöd oss i arbetet för vårt nordiska arv, vår nordiska historia och vår ursprungliga tro - Asatro. Bli medlem på: https://forum.asa-samfundet.se/bli-medlem Hemsida: https://asa-samfundet.se/ 🇬🇧 3,500-Year-Old Burial Cairn Destroyed – Cultural Heritage Sacrificed for the Norrbotnia Line! One of our oldest and most valuable ancient monuments, a 3,500-year-old Bronze Age burial cairn in Junkboda outside Skellefteå, is now set to be brutally destroyed to make way for the new Norrbotnia railway line. During a preliminary investigation, the burial chamber was discovered—a space large enough for a human, enclosed by massive stone slabs and covered with rounded stones, the classic hallmark of a burial cairn. Now, this invaluable monument is about to be erased. And this is just the beginning. The burial cairn is far from the only victim of this ruthless infrastructure project. Hundreds of ancient remains have already been identified as obstacles to construction, and more will meet the same fate. Our history is being erased, our cultural heritage obliterated—all in the name of efficiency and exploitation. Deliberately destroying our history and cultural heritage is not just a disgrace—it is a scandal! We have a duty to protect what remains of our ancestors’ legacy, not level it to the ground. Sacrificing our ancient monuments for modern expansion is an insult to both our history and future generations. Support us in our work for our Nordic heritage, our Nordic history and our original faith - Asatru. Become a member at: https://forum.asa-samfundet.se/bli-medlem Website: https://asa-samfundet.se/en/
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  • For those seeking to know the dates of our holy days, my recommendation is to study Robert Sass, who I call the Heathen Calendar Guru. Some might have other calendars they prefer, but Robert backs up his dates with more references from our primary and secondary sources than anyone I know. I will post the links to his blogsite and youtube channel. We have to do our best to get the Wiccan Wheel of the Year BS out of traditional Germanic Heathenry. 99% of Asatru also uses some version of this Wiccan/Christian-influenced Wheel garbage. Our ancestors would have no idea what you're doing if you're following this modern New Age cult.

    For those seeking to know the dates of our holy days, my recommendation is to study Robert Sass, who I call the Heathen Calendar Guru. Some might have other calendars they prefer, but Robert backs up his dates with more references from our primary and secondary sources than anyone I know. I will post the links to his blogsite and youtube channel. We have to do our best to get the Wiccan Wheel of the Year BS out of traditional Germanic Heathenry. 99% of Asatru also uses some version of this Wiccan/Christian-influenced Wheel garbage. Our ancestors would have no idea what you're doing if you're following this modern New Age cult. https://www.aldsidu.com/post/2025-heathen-calendar-for-old-ways-heathens
    At the bottom of this article, I will give the 2025 dates for these historical Heathen holidays for modern practice for Old Ways Heathens. Let me give some background in case some of my readers are not familiar with the evidence for the historical pre-christian Heathen calendar: Dr. Andreas E. Zautner:“If we browse the internet for holidays of the Germanic people, we mainly find pages presenting an octopartite year circle, the so-called ‘eight-spoked wheel of the year’ based on the solstice
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  • Does anybody here belong to Asatru Uk?
    Does anybody here belong to Asatru Uk?
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  • Today it's the Asatru Day.
    This day is developed by the Nordiska Asa-samfundet (Nordic Asa-community)

    The 9/9 (September 9) each year is the sacred day. Nine days Odin was sacrificed by hanging, to himself, in Yggdrasil.
    The number 9 was sacred in pre-christian time. And still is.

    The Asatru Day is a day of reflection and a day to honor with good food and drink with family and / or loved ones. A day we will give an extra thought to those we have around us in our everyday lives and those who gave us all we have to rejoice. Young as old.

    We also make an blót together and show the Gods that we honor them and show our appreciation. One blót where we do not request anything in return but a mere respect.

    Today it's the Asatru Day. This day is developed by the Nordiska Asa-samfundet (Nordic Asa-community) The 9/9 (September 9) each year is the sacred day. Nine days Odin was sacrificed by hanging, to himself, in Yggdrasil. The number 9 was sacred in pre-christian time. And still is. The Asatru Day is a day of reflection and a day to honor with good food and drink with family and / or loved ones. A day we will give an extra thought to those we have around us in our everyday lives and those who gave us all we have to rejoice. Young as old. We also make an blót together and show the Gods that we honor them and show our appreciation. One blót where we do not request anything in return but a mere respect. Hail!
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  • A curious question.
    Are you a practicing asatruers/norse heathen/Norse pagan?
    A curious question. Are you a practicing asatruers/norse heathen/Norse pagan?
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