• I wish you a blessed and prosperous 2025
    Follow your north star
    I wish you a blessed and prosperous 2025 โœจ Follow your north star ๐ŸŒ 
    0 0 826
  • Norse code.
    The use of genetic ancestry to trace history and probe events of the past is challenging because ancestries in many locations are relatively similar, making it hard to distinguish groups and populations. In January edition of Nature Magazine, The researchers use a new technique to examine the genomic history of early medieval Europe. This allowed them to track the expansion of two streams of Scandinavian-related ancestry across the continent, as well a later stream of ancestry expanding into Scandinavia before the Viking Age (around 750–1050). The cover is inspired by the serpentine carvings found on Viking Age runestones and features the Elder Futhark runes for the DNA nucleotides A, T, G and C (K). — show less

    Cover image: Art by Oliver Uberti. (Stone texture: ยฉ Olga Yastremska, New Africa, Africa Studio/Adobe Stock)
    Norse code. The use of genetic ancestry to trace history and probe events of the past is challenging because ancestries in many locations are relatively similar, making it hard to distinguish groups and populations. In January edition of Nature Magazine, The researchers use a new technique to examine the genomic history of early medieval Europe. This allowed them to track the expansion of two streams of Scandinavian-related ancestry across the continent, as well a later stream of ancestry expanding into Scandinavia before the Viking Age (around 750–1050). The cover is inspired by the serpentine carvings found on Viking Age runestones and features the Elder Futhark runes for the DNA nucleotides A, T, G and C (K). — show less Cover image: Art by Oliver Uberti. (Stone texture: © Olga Yastremska, New Africa, Africa Studio/Adobe Stock)
    1 0 1148
  • Something I made few years ago. Probably should try and build another one....
    Something I made few years ago. Probably should try and build another one....
    0 0 695
  • Love
    0 0 764
  • The 13th night of Yule is your night complete freedom—freedom for yourself. Don’t forget this, and use it to your benefit.
    It’s said that on this night, the most impossible, extraordinary, and incredible things can come true.
    Even those things you couldn’t have dreamed of, or perhaps feared to think about. But maybe this year, on the 13th night, they’ll actually happen.

    Ksenia Menshikova
    The 13th night of Yule is your night complete freedom—freedom for yourself. Don’t forget this, and use it to your benefit. It’s said that on this night, the most impossible, extraordinary, and incredible things can come true. Even those things you couldn’t have dreamed of, or perhaps feared to think about. But maybe this year, on the 13th night, they’ll actually happen. Ksenia Menshikova
    0 0 821
  • I thank Sigurboði for the initiative. This is my contribution to Oðal's (Othala) complaint #takebackothala
    I thank Sigurboði for the initiative. This is my contribution to Oðal's (Othala) complaint #takebackothala
    1 0 818
  • Learn the victory runes if you wish to succeed,
    Etch them on your sword's hilt with care;
    Carve some on the blade's edge, some on its face,
    And call on Tyr’s name twice for strength
    Learn the victory runes if you wish to succeed, Etch them on your sword's hilt with care; Carve some on the blade's edge, some on its face, And call on Tyr’s name twice for strength
    2 0 863
  • Paganism: What does it mean to truly live It?
    Comment, discuss and I will list the top five!
    Paganism: What does it mean to truly live It? Comment, discuss and I will list the top five!
    5 0 739
  • Insight needed/Othala

    I keep seeing the Othala rune in my dreams, it seems to be a rune with much deeper meaning for me, and I put it on all of my things. Does anyone have any insight as to why I seem to be obsessed with this rune?
    Insight needed/Othala I keep seeing the Othala rune in my dreams, it seems to be a rune with much deeper meaning for me, and I put it on all of my things. Does anyone have any insight as to why I seem to be obsessed with this rune?
    2 0 693