• https://youtu.be/MWGWzJFaN2Q?si=FpU061C3g_x6rqHU
    0 0 1282
  • The 12 Days of Yule represent a period of complete freedom, magic, and reflection on the past year. These days begin and end at different times for each of us. Some may find this cycle nearing its end, while others are still journeying through it. Yet, during this timeless phase, we all connect with a shared myth, revisiting the past to gather our results and glimpsing the future through the Yule prophecy to shape our plans.

    The 13th, enchanted night of Yule is fast approaching. This night will form a bridge to guide us through the dark period. Walk with courage across this bridge, so that by Imbolc, you emerge transformed, with a clear sense of direction and a solid inner understanding of the purpose behind it all.

    When this significant night arrives, burn your Yule log and keep the ashes. Reflect on your achievements and consider your plans moving forward. Ask yourself the essential question: how do you wish to shape your reality in 2025? May your dreams and intentions find their strength in this time!

    We wish you clarity, inspiration, and magic as you move toward your true reality. May your plans unfold, your strength grow, and your inner flame continue to burn bright!


    The Menshikova School

    The 12 Days of Yule represent a period of complete freedom, magic, and reflection on the past year. These days begin and end at different times for each of us. Some may find this cycle nearing its end, while others are still journeying through it. Yet, during this timeless phase, we all connect with a shared myth, revisiting the past to gather our results and glimpsing the future through the Yule prophecy to shape our plans. The 13th, enchanted night of Yule is fast approaching. This night will form a bridge to guide us through the dark period. Walk with courage across this bridge, so that by Imbolc, you emerge transformed, with a clear sense of direction and a solid inner understanding of the purpose behind it all. When this significant night arrives, burn your Yule log and keep the ashes. Reflect on your achievements and consider your plans moving forward. Ask yourself the essential question: how do you wish to shape your reality in 2025? May your dreams and intentions find their strength in this time! We wish you clarity, inspiration, and magic as you move toward your true reality. May your plans unfold, your strength grow, and your inner flame continue to burn bright! Sincerely, The Menshikova School
    0 0 842
  • Have a great evening all enjoy 2025
    Have a great evening all enjoy 2025🎇🥃
    10 0 602
  • To all the lovely people here!
    To all the lovely people here!
    4 0 515
  • good music to listen to in early 2025
    good music to listen to in early 2025🍻
    1 0 1237
  • Happy New Year!
    😬 Happy New Year!
    1 0 487
  • Glædne ġēares dæġ!
    Happy new year!
    Glædne ġēares dæġ! Happy new year!
    0 0 674
  • Gott nytt år! Skål!
    Gott nytt år! Skål! 🥂
    1 0 505
  • Tonight on this New Year’s Eve and black moon, I spoke into being, banishing words. Banishing the unhealthy, the negative thoughts and habits from my own mind and from others directed towards me. I stood in utter amazement of these stars. Little twinkling pinholes in the fabric of the universe that do not have to compete with the light of their sister moon tonight. I breathed in the cold clear air, in awe of creation. How small my little house feels amongst the vastness of the sky, yet how important she feels. How important the land feels, even how important I feel to the cocreation of the awen of the universe. I stood in flow of the energy of darkness. The stars were beacons of the light of spirits that I could not fully grasp in my mind but felt their presence. I felt messages and lessons being conveyed to me but they have not risen to my consciousness yet. I did not perform any fancy spells or rituals. I just was. Tonight when I sleep under the roof of my home who in turn sleeps under the blanket of stars, I hope to have my lessons and messages from the stars conveyed to me in dreams.

    Happy New Year from me and I wish you nothing but good blessings and strength and fortitude for those moments you may need it.

    See you soon magickal friends.

    Tonight on this New Year’s Eve and black moon, I spoke into being, banishing words. Banishing the unhealthy, the negative thoughts and habits from my own mind and from others directed towards me. I stood in utter amazement of these stars. Little twinkling pinholes in the fabric of the universe that do not have to compete with the light of their sister moon tonight. I breathed in the cold clear air, in awe of creation. How small my little house feels amongst the vastness of the sky, yet how important she feels. How important the land feels, even how important I feel to the cocreation of the awen of the universe. I stood in flow of the energy of darkness. The stars were beacons of the light of spirits that I could not fully grasp in my mind but felt their presence. I felt messages and lessons being conveyed to me but they have not risen to my consciousness yet. I did not perform any fancy spells or rituals. I just was. Tonight when I sleep under the roof of my home who in turn sleeps under the blanket of stars, I hope to have my lessons and messages from the stars conveyed to me in dreams. Happy New Year from me and I wish you nothing but good blessings and strength and fortitude for those moments you may need it. See you soon magickal friends. Xo
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  • Love
    0 0 576